Help with multiple monitors

Hi all,

I was trying to set up IL-2 to run on dual monitors and changed "Use3Renders=0" to "Use3Renders=1" in the conf.ini. After that, what is the next step? does anyone have a step-by-step guide for setting up 2 or 3 monitors? Thanks in advance!

This info may help it was on a thread here a eek or so back but I have used it on a back up IL2 but still not got it all working but it's a start

I don't know what graphics cards you have ( I assume you have more than one) but you won't get any good results without the triplehead2go.

when you have the triplehead2go and 3 monitors, the code be like at the bottom of this youtube thread:

the width and height should be the same as 3 monitors i.e: 1280+1280+1280 x 960

You will get a huge 180degree fov on it and to really use it right he monitors should be almost as a cube around you, most people do it wrong and put them straight enxt to eachother and then it will be huge yes, but very narrow and low. (in the video you can see the wingtips are almost painting straight forward, if the monitors had been as a cube they would have pointed to the sides. I had to put them like this for the video though, to really show how it works, it's an old video and sorry for the quality.

this looks really helpful guys, thanks. i'll try this asap.

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