Hi everyone. I have aaa community mod installer installed and working, but the campaigns seem kind of limited.
For example, I dont have any american campaign in europe (all are in pacific). No german campaign in europe,seems to be all russia.
Am I doing something wrong here?
The new mods, aircraft etc, do not give you any exclusive campaigns mate..
Do you have Battle Over Europe expansion by the way.. lots of European stuff there.
Plus there are the modded dgen campaigns?
Sure, I have both installed. But BoE is a payware addon that you need to purchase.
Im also confused. I thought 1946 included alot more than I am getting.
For example for the german campaign I get these campaigns.
*fighter north
*fighter south
*fighter center
the rebel
burning streak
shouldnt I be getting more than this?
Can someone please tell me where I can get the "payper play campaign packs"? Did you mean expansions? Is it something else?
If it is the expansions where can I get them (download and pay, like d2d)?
I can recommend the Enjoyr patch. Lovely campaigns, just make sure you have the right version for your install.