What does it mean when you can select a plane, but when you are in game, you have no cockpit view, and your plane flies aimlessly and you cannot control it?
What file corrupts this? I am trying to learn all these things so that I can fix them myself If i must.
I get this as well with the Bf-110 G-4. You can't control the aircraft, you can bail out, and when it crashes, the plane explodes like normal, but an invisible plane appears and starts skidding along the ground :???:
I had this once with the Typhoon, turned out I didn't have the cockpit installed.
Hope this helps
That is right, but also, it means any reference to any file or tecture is missing or broken. It can sometimes be the tiniest lttile thing. Also, if a mash file is corrupted, like if it has wrong LOD values in. But you are right, it is a problem in the cockpit file.
Thank you folks! Problem Solved!
Please tell us how you solved the problem.