added map as per instructions, i have all mods required.
i go to FMB and select tc hawiaan map and get this error after it loads up.
when i select the map, it loads to an empty map, just blue screen with no map
WorldLand() LoadMap() error Javalang RuntimeException Landscape "tc_Hawiaan-islands.ini" loading error.
i looked on the load.ini and compared it to other maps i have manually installed and i think the error is in the [MAP2D] section.
this was the brantoc objects i downloaded viewtopic.php?t=11128&highlight=tow+objects
Sorry mate,
this is the first time I try to run my map in an other system. I tried to reinstall the files in my system and the map runs well. So something is still missing, the load.ini seems to be okay. I seem to forget something which is necessary for the functionality of the map. I have to do some more tests.
no problem mate, i will await the outcome of your tests.
i have looked over the install and objects again and i still have everything i need, the map shows in the listing but when i try to load i get the same error and blue map screen, there is not even a grid or anything.
Do you have the following files in your MapMods/Maps/_Tex/land/summer folder?
I could provoke your error-information, it has something to do with missing tex-files. It could be that these bob-files are missing. They are normaly in the UI-Installpack (the original ones). I changed them, so I will send you an updated version of the zip-files.
none of the maps use the map_m or map_r..
philipines kt chanel and darwin do , but i did now notice that others dont .
i cant see what the problem is then, i have checked all the files and tga's against the load.ini and they all seem to be there. :???: :???:
maybe porto could sent the map to someone else and see if they get the same issues as i do ?
Hi Saburo,
I don't think, that your system is responsible for the problems with my map. As far as I know, the error message is a typical missing tex file message. I checked again my load.ini and found some more texfiles that are not original. Do you have the Italy_DF-map installed? Or to explain it more specific: I think you need the Italy_DF textures. Do you have installed Il2 4.09b or Il2 4.08, because this map will run only with Il2 4.09b!
my load.ini needs following files:
LowLand0 = land/summer/rom_fields_LowLand2.tga,-1
LowLand1 = land/summer/rom_fields_LowLand3.tga,-1
LowLand2 = land/summer/sk_LowLand2_fields.tga
LowLand3 = land/summer/rom_fields_MidLand3.tga
MidLand0 = land/summer/sk_fields_midland0.tga,2
MidLand1 = land/summer/MTO_Agrar.tga,2
MidLand2 = land/summer/MTO_Desert_3_Fields.tga,2
MidLand3 = land/summer/sk_fields_midland3.tga
MidLand4 =
Mount0 = land/summer/sk_fields_mount0.tga,-2
Mount1 = land/summer/sk_LowLand5_fields.tga
Mount2 = Italy_DF/land/summer/fields_v2.tga,-1
Mount3 = land/summer/MTO_Mount_Fields.tga,2
Country0 = land/summer/bob_fields_1.tga,2
Country1 = land/summer/bob_fields_1.tga,-2
Country2 = land/summer/bob_fields_1.tga,-1
Country3 = land/summer/bob_fields_1.tga
City0 = land/summer/sk_country_mount.tga
City1 = land/summer/sk_DownCity.tga
City2 = land/summer/sk_MidCity.tga,2
City3 = Italy_DF/land/summer/factory_dry.tga,2
AirField0= land/summer/fields_concrete_1.tga,-2
AirField1= land/summer/fields_concrete_1.tga,2
;AirField1= land/summer/fields_airfieldDesert.tga,2
AirField2= land/summer/fields_airfieldBurma.tga,2
;AirField2= land/summer/MTO_Air_Fields.tga,2
AirField3= land/summer/MTO_Air_Fields.tga,2
Wood0 = forest/summer/JungleKTA.tga
;Wood0 = forest/summer/JungleGr.tga
Wood1 =
;Wood2 = forest/summer/forestfar.tga
Wood2 = forest/summer/sk_ForestFar.tga
Wood3 =
Water0 = water/water.tga
Water1 = water/water.tga
Water2 = land/summer/sk_LowLand0.tga
Water3 = water/dune_beach.tga //water/CoastLineOki.tga //land/summer/dry2_v1.tga
If one tex file is missing the map won't load.
I will send the files to fabianfred too, as soon he send me his email address. Check please if you're able to load this map.
ohh, i am on 409 all the way, dont do 408 anymore lol. ok i just installed the italy DF map, that loads ok, tried to load your one and .......nothing again, so i re installed your map and tried again, still nothing.
i will try later and see if i am missing any tex files but its a job i am not looking forward to lol. i think i will just download every map on offer and install them all :wink:
very good idea! I deleted one of the tex files and "shift Tab" reported the missing file in one of the last lines. Please check this with your copy Saburo!