LOL, ROFL, LMAO, and all that kind of stuff.
The wing was actually there!
What happened is that as the me-323 is essentially an me321 with engines, I assumed that the wing would be in the same position as on the me-321 (aligned with the side windows).
So the wing wasnt where I expected to see it, and those "long" engine pods with exhaust pipes (or whatever they are) sticking upwards that looked like the supports for engine nacelles hanging under the wing, gave me the illusion that the wing was missing and the engine hanged in mid air.
The weird part is that I have flown the me323 before and I never noticed. Maybe the difference is that this time I flew the me323 (after a long time without flying it) right after flying an me321.
Anyhow, that is solved. Good.
As for the cockpits, I think I have all the new cockpits that have been published so far but I'm not really sure I do. It would be nice if someone posted a list. Even better, two lists: one of new cockpits and one of 'repainted' cockpits.
Yet another cockpit topic: throwing "appropriate" gauges in "borrowed" cockpits (e.g. German gauges in a B25 cockpit for the me-323). That's a great idea IMO but I have no idea how to do it. Have a look at
this thread, and possibly make some cockpits
post tutorials, etc.