Unified Installer not working.

I've trying to follow the instructions to the the letter, but cannot seem to have any success. See notes below: I've pasted the instructions, with my notes in red.

Installation Warnings:
1. If you are installing this package over a fresh installation of the IL-2 1946 DVD, you must first patch the game to 4.08m. I've just done this.
2. If you have IL-2 installed, Copy your current IL-2 1946 game folder and rename the new folder. Next, Delete the FILES and MODS folders. The new install will copy 4.08 files allowing any Direct 2 Drive user to be compatible with the mod. [size=12][size=18]Does this not apply to me because I've just performed a fresh installation of the IL-2 1946 DVD?. If you have the unified installer 1.0, move the folder named FILES and MODS folder from your modded game to another location for safe keeping.

Installation Instructions:
1. Double left click the file 'AAA_Community_Installer_ver_1_1_part01.exe'
NOTE: You only need to run/install the first part (part01) as long as you keep all the files together you can ignore all the other parts

2. Once opened Left-Click on the Browse button and Select your IL-2 1946 4.08m game folder. Selecting OK and Left-Click the Install button. What IL-2 1946 4.08m folder? I don't have such a named folder. Or are they refering to the folder which contains the game?

3. When prompted to overwrite files select Yes to all I never received such a prompt when I insallted UI 1.1

Be advised that I did download all the files from the forum related to UI 1.1 (parts 1 through 8 or whatever it was) I can also state that when I start the game, it definately indicates v4.08m. I installed UI 1.1 into the Default Ubisoft folder containing the game, and can start the UI Mod switcher application, but when I hit switch and launch, it doesn't do anything other than close itself.

So, what am I doing wrong?

If I'm reading you right. Make sure you have ALL 8 parts of the installer in one folder before you try installing.
Once all is installed copy the SWITCHER to your desk top.
If that all Works you did it right. The only thing that comes to mind is .
MAKE sure your OS is updated with the latest " FRAME WORK" from Windows.
I think that is listed in the README file with the switcher.
Took me some time to find the fix also.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

skyomish Wrote:If I'm reading you right. Make sure you have ALL 8 parts of the installer in one folder before you try installing. Once all is installed copy the SWITCHER to your desk top.
If that all Works you did it right. The only thing that comes to mind is .
MAKE sure your OS is updated with the latest " FRAME WORK" from Windows.
I think that is listed in the README file with the switcher.
Took me some time to find the fix also.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/deta ... laylang=en

Thanks for your advice. I did download all 8 parts, as I mentioned in my post. I'll check to see if my OS is up to date. It should be, because I formatted and reinstalled the Win XP 3 weeks ago and downloaded all the service packs and updates for hours.

Anyways, I have to re-iterate: there is no folder called IL-2 1946 4.08m, as suggested in para 2 of the UI 1.1 installation instructions. It's why I posted some questions in red. The instructions are someone misleading or incomplete. Any further help would be much appreciated.

Intrepid Wrote:2. Once opened Left-Click on the Browse button and Select your IL-2 1946 4.08m game folder. Selecting OK and Left-Click the Install button. What IL-2 1946 4.08m folder? I don't have such a named folder. Or are they refering to the folder which contains the game?

What it means is it wants your IL-2 install location ( thats bin patched to 4.08 ). So if you have install IL-2 to its default location then it will look some thing like this " C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\ "

It's a self installer. All you need to do is make sure all the parts are in the same folder - anywhere you like - and then run the first part only. Direct it to your game folder - whatever you have called it - and you should be right. If you have a virgin 4.08 install then you can ignore the instructions that refer to the Files and Mods folders, they won't be there.

Good luck

OK. I'm downloading the UI from scratch again. If it were to switch and launch, what would it say where it normally reads "v4.08m" on the boot screen of IL-2 1946?

Also, can I see all the new planes in QMB or do I have to start a Campaign or what?

I'm trying to get a feel for what I should see to kow it's worked.

with the switcher screen you have 4.08 ------ 4.08 MOD on one side and the 4.09 on the right.
If you pick plan 4.08 the opening screen says 4.08m
With the 4.08 MOD the screen is of american bombers with a ZERO on their SIX.

Thanks. So far, I've got the 8 files downloaded to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\ to a folder entitled "Unified Installer". Should this work, or do I want to move them up to the root C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\?

And I'm confirming that I only need to extract the first one so long as the other ones are in the same folder, correct?

Go to your C:\ and make a temp folder call it what ever you like. Mine is like F:\ IL-2 keep.
Place all the installer folders in IT.
Got to dest top and use RUN find your folder and click on the FIRST folder of the installer then click OK.
It will find the C:\program files\ubilsoft\il-2. Then it will do the rest.

Thanks for all your help folks. Turn out I had to direct it to install into my root 1l-2 1946 folder.

now for my next question: alot of the game is in cyrillic (Russian), such as when I choose a campaign, the rank pick list and description as in cyrillic, for all campaigns.

Please advise!

GLAD you got it going BUD. Thats good news.
There is a patch to fix that for you. Do a search and I think you will find that fix.

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