Gem of a find! Aircraft Manuals Online - Some FMs don't jive

JG7_X_Man Wrote:Thanks Anto! But I was not able to do this.

Can someone please post a screen shot of the Me 262 A-1
1. Crusing at 850 km/hr (IAS)
2. Diving at 950 km/hr (IAS)


850kph is 528mph Your photo's don't show your altitude but lets say you are at 10,000 feet making those readings. At 10K feet your actualy TRUE airspeed is the speed relative to the air around the aircraft..the one we focus on for structural limits. TAS = IAS + IAS/60 * ALT (in K Feet) So TAS in this case is 528 + (528/60 * 10) = 616 Mph

As altitude increases the diff between IAS and TAS get larger.. see the chart below

At 5,000' TAS = IAS + 9%
At 10,000' TAS = IAS + 16%
At 15,000' TAS = IAS + 25%
At 20,000' TAS = IAS + 36%
At 25,000' TAS = IAS + 49%
At 30,000' TAS = IAS + 64%

Mach 1 is 768 mph So if you are getting that 528mph IAS reading at around 24,000 feet you ARE supersonic

Also, I was easily able to get the 262 up to 950 and then gradually let it accellerate to 1000 kph IAS at sealevel.. Make sure you do not let the dive accel get out of control or input any G forces on the frame at that speed..

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