Since there are no HL forums anymore...I am asking here.
When setting up a server or coop mission using HL, can you change the default "checked box" settings shown in HL? i.e. cockpit always on, complex engine management, etc.
These checked boxes don't affect the game you run, but it is nice to get them correct for players to see. I always run the same settings, but the default checked boxes don't match what I typically run, so I have to manually check them everytime I set up a server or mission. I am just looking to streamline the setup time. Thanks in advance.
Hyperlobby gets those settings from your Users folder, either from the default.ini file, or from Pilot name subfolder (doe), in settings.ini, where there will be a section like this:
Make sure those files are present. Try running a server offline, and change some difficulty settings. Sorry, I can't pin it down more than that at the moment.
Thanks. I am familiar with those numbers, I didn't realize that HL would extract the info from the IL-2 files.
I will give it a try.
On same subject.....has anyone made a difficulty calculator? One that allows you to select the difficulty option you want and generates the correct number? I assume it is a checksum number with each option getting a certain value, then adding up the numbers of the selected settings.
Call me a math geek, but I figured it out. They used a checksum based on 2^n (2 to the Nth power) where n=1 to 24 (there are 24 different difficulty parameters.) Each checked parameter is a different "n" number (2^n) added to (2^24)/24. If there is not a check, then the number is just (2^24)/24. Then all items are added together. So if no items are checked the number is (2^24)=16777216, since nothing is added. The only exception seems to be for when all items checked. It becomes 2x(2^24)-1=33554431
If anybody wants this useless info, I can make an Excel Spreadsheet for it. They didn't assign the "n" numbers in the order that the difficulty settings are presented on the screen.
Sorry, no fancy checksum stuff. Simple bitmask. This code snippet might help.....
{ Difficulty flags in IL2 Settings.ini }
bAllOff = $1000000;
bAllOn = $1FFFFFF;
bSeparateEngineStart = $0080000;
bComplexEngineManagement = $0800000;
bEngineOverheat = $0000010;
bTorqueAndGyroEffects = $0000020;
bFlutterEffect = $0000002;
bWindAndTurbulence = $0000001;
bStallsAndSpins = $0000004;
bVulnerability = $0008000;
bBlackoutsAndRedouts = $0000008;
bRealisticGunnery = $0001000;
bLimitedAmmo = $0002000;
bLimitedFuel = $0004000;
bCockpitAlwaysOn = $0000100;
bNoExternalViews = $0000200;
bHeadShake = $0000400;
bNoIcons = $0000800;
bNoPadlock = $0010000;
bClouds = $0020000;
bNoInstantSuccess = $0100000;
bTakeOffAndLanding = $0000080;
bRealisticLandings = $0000040;
bNoMapIcons = $0040000;
bNoMinimapPath = $0200000;
bNoSpeedbar = $0400000;
bEasy = bAllOff +
bVulnerability +
bNormal = bAllOff +
bComplexEngineManagement +
bEngineOverheat +
bTorqueAndGyroEffects +
bFlutterEffect +
bWindAndTurbulence +
bStallsAndSpins +
bVulnerability +
bBlackoutsAndRedouts +
bRealisticGunnery +
bLimitedAmmo +
bLimitedFuel +
bHeadShake +
bNoIcons +
bClouds +
bNoInstantSuccess +
bTakeOffAndLanding +
bRealisticLandings +
bRealistic = bAllOn;
Thanks....but I don't know computer code.
My method seems to work for all the cases I have checked.