[WIP] KTO Map Upgrade {Taking Requests}

I posted elsewhere on this and should have posted here, it's late and I'm kinda tired but I made two different missions on this map and put them up on our Coop server. While it took a little longer than most maps to load the mission played fine but upon ending the map froze up on the players in it and made everyone basically have to kill the game in Task manager before it would load the next map. I like the map and couldn't Shift Tab to find out the problem because the mission was already over. This happened twice so I had to pull it from rotation, if there is a fix for it I would love to be able to put it back in.

Well my turn. since you planning to build the home of the 51st FIW, would it be possible to install those sandbag revetments shown in your picture? I know the game already has some, but those are rather..........well.......short. There, I said it. They are too short. "Need.....a......few....more...ugh.....sand....ugh.......bags..... There. Okay boys, smoke em if you got em then get on that next revet, I want this done before you knock off for the day." Big Grin

Grant, I would love some of those. I will do my best, I had some Ideas with some items in UI 1.2 from the second Hanger Mod, however, I will make a post and see if anyone could make this object. I have no idea how to do such.

Achmed the dead terrorist, I have no idea what's causing your problem, so unfortunatly I can't help. Maybe someone else could chime in with possible reasons for your crashes. Could it just be a hardware issue?

K-13 Suwon Airfield, 30 Miles South of Seoul, South Korea.

(The Airfield will have a wide enough runway for double take-off.)

[Image: K13_Suwon_Air_Base_Korea.jpg]

P.S. Pohang is nearly completed. I will offer shots of such in a week or so.

Keep up the request/Bug List it helps!


Dixiecapt Wrote:K-13 Suwon Airfield, 30 Miles South of Seoul, South Korea.

(The Airfield will have a wide enough runway for double take-off.)

[Image: K13_Suwon_Air_Base_Korea.jpg]

P.S. Pohang is nearly completed. I will offer shots of such in a week or so.

Keep up the request/Bug List it helps!


Hey Dixie,
I've been flying with the 51stfis FC crew and last nite we used zuti's MDS on your map. We were flying out of Kimpo and were able to do formation takeoffs on the runway. Way cool. We did find, though that on the left side of the runway when facing SOUTH, that if you stray too far from the centerline, even though you are still on the runway, you run into a "speedbump" for lack of a better word. It appears to be a ground friction problem on that part of the runway. Other than that, we've been having a blast.

Oh yeah, since the introduction of the F-84G3 with the Mk7 Tactical Nuclear Bomb, We've sorta, well, been turning the north side of your map into glass. Sorry.

51stfis FC says he is withdrawing them from the theater.

I'll post a pic of the runway section in question as soon as I can get a good shot of it.

~S Dixiecapt I have been hard at work finding all the info possible for Suwon Ab. I personely think the map is pretty close as it is, I guess there could be a few Industrial areas up north i like the cement factory and docks that was posted earlier in the thread But Korea in the 50's was pretty remote and I think the map lends itself to that fact pretty well. It has been a pleasure to fly it and try to re create some of those legendary air battles that happened back then. I hope you know you can count on us at the 51st for whatever assistance we can provide you in what ever form. Again thanks for bringing the KTO to life with your map and the guys who model the jets and period aircraft IL2 just isnt IL2 anymore it's MIG ALLEY the way it was meant to be.~S
I hope you can join us soon for a flight 51st style, We have some new proceedures for running our coops Immersion like you never seen before. My only problem is a couple of pilots {Grant and Blaze the Nucular Twins}who keep nuking everthing. Again ~S Sir.

Dixiecapt Wrote:
CzechTexan Wrote:Personally, I'd like to see the Pusan Perimeter upgraded for more realistic ground attack missions but I'm not expecting too much.

Do you have any suggestions as to how this could be accomplished in your opinon. The suggestions are welcomed and will help.
You probably already have maps of the area so posting these maps may be redundant but it might help to look at for quick references. The problem I have right now is that I can't use my computer right now to look at your map to see what's really needed. And I can't remember exactly how the map looks for the Pusan Perimeter.

All I'm asking is to give a little more attention to the area with roads, villages/towns, and the Naktong River.
All these things really help with navigation and, like Mechanist said, it would help with navigating the in-flight map.

Populating the villages is not really necessary but it helps if there is a village texture to locate where the village is.
Mission builders can add objects and buildings to the village textures.

The following maps are from the book "The Korean War An Oral History, Pusan to Chosin" by Knox.
This map shows the Pusan Perimeter defense lines. The book gives good descriptions of the Marines' offensive thru Masan and toward Kosong and Sachon and their defense at Obong-Ni. Having all these towns and roads would be really nice on the KTO map. Also notice the airfield near Pohang.
[Image: Pusan.jpg]

This map shows a zoom-in of the Obong-Ni area. The hills changed hands several times while USAF planes attacked. Of course, there were battles all along the perimeter and not just here. Villages and roads through the valleys would be important for both sides and for USAF.
[Image: ObongNi.jpg]

The breakout and counter-offensive. I assume all these routes followed roads so these villages and roads would be nice to have on the KTO map. Adding all that would be great for USAF ground attack missions, before and after the Pusan defense.
[Image: Breakout.jpg]

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb9c2dafe61348e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871">http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

Dixiecapt Wrote:Grant, I would love some of those. I will do my best, I had some Ideas with some items in UI 1.2 from the second Hanger Mod, however, I will make a post and see if anyone could make this object. I have no idea how to do such.

Achmed the dead terrorist, I have no idea what's causing your problem, so unfortunatly I can't help. Maybe someone else could chime in with possible reasons for your crashes. Could it just be a hardware issue?

I don't think it's hardware related because everybody had the same problem and the PC's were capable enough, I don't have a problem playing it myself offline. Too be honest I really don't know it's just a pain to have to restart the server whenever it happens. By the way Czech some great map info there I'll be looking at for mission ideas.

The only suggestion I have is to mark the roads and railways so they are easy to find for mission building, I spend 90% of my time searching for these things. The airbases you are adding is the icing on the cake. More Dams, power stations, know underground installations, just more targets that actually played a part in strategy in the area.

Thanks m8

I am making a new 2D map by using a patchwork of shots like this........ http://www.maps-for-free.com/php/image. ... ayer=water

from here .... http://www.maps-for-free.com/

I then combine them all in Photoshop into one map and lay it on top of your Map_F

similar to the one I made for my Thailand and Burma maps....but then i didn't have this website and it had to have modern roads and names all over it.....

I like this kind of 2D map because the shape of the terrain matches exactly the shape of the hills we see upon the ground n....both coming from satellite data

You will have to add the roads and rail and names

I also went through all the maps in the UI 1.2 and reduced their ed_map01.tga ed_map02.tga map_F.tga ...by changing them in Photoshop from RGB colour to Indexed colour ....this reduces them in size to 1/3rd of their original size
This map's ed_map01 goes from 116mb. to 29mb.

fabianfred Wrote:I also went through all the maps in the UI 1.2 and reduced their ed_map01.tga ed_map02.tga map_F.tga ...by changing them in Photoshop from RGB colour to Indexed colour ....this reduces them in size to 1/3rd of their original size
This map's ed_map01 goes from 116mb. to 29mb.

Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I am always curious about new things. However, I looked through some of the maps but never saw the first two files you listed (ed_map01.tga ed_map02.tga).

In the 3BG_KTO map, I did see ed_m01.tga and ed_m02.tga, but not the ones you listed. I converted these to Indexed, but then the map would not load in the FMB.


Aviar Wrote:
fabianfred Wrote:I also went through all the maps in the UI 1.2 and reduced their ed_map01.tga ed_map02.tga map_F.tga ...by changing them in Photoshop from RGB colour to Indexed colour ....this reduces them in size to 1/3rd of their original size
This map's ed_map01 goes from 116mb. to 29mb.

Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I am always curious about new things. However, I looked through some of the maps but never saw the first two files you listed (ed_map01.tga ed_map02.tga).

In the 3BG_KTO map, I did see ed_m01.tga and ed_m02.tga, but not the ones you listed. I converted these to Indexed, but then the map would not load in the FMB.


What program did you use to convert....... if you use Gimp then you must be careful not to allow it to give RLE compression when you save..

I got the names wrong because it is some while since I messed with maps.......

the ones in the KTO winter folder are the same...so use those until you get it right...


I am a big fan of your map work. IF it wouldn't put too much stress on you, do you think you could make those map file changes and PM me copies of such?!?!

I kinda have my hands full with building target and airfield sites. Also I'm trying to add more villages, roads, and trench textures to the Pusan Perimeter. The information provided in this thread about such had been outstanding!

As always, Fabian, if you Can help me with those map files (photoshop work is my biggest weakness) you would be added to the author credit list for the map, and have everyones graditude.

Thanks either way!
, DixieC

Yes, I was using GIMP. Could you please list again exactly which files (with the correct names this time) need to be Indexed?

Also, when I convert the files, I do not see any option for this RLE compression that you mentioned. I am using GIMP 2.6.


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