Help me please

I tried to install the (The link is inoperative) file. and now my game won't start because I didn't backup Cry Cry

Presumably, you lack something, perhaps the soundmod. Check for it in your game's directory. If you have it, use the windows explorer, go to your game's MODs folder (I gather you have one), find the C47 skytrain folder and disable it by placing an - before it. I suppose you used the auto installer. Next time, save the mod in your desktop, extract the contents there (using winrar or relevant), then manually install the mod, putiing relevant lines in your air.ini,, etc. This looks a bit difficult (it isn't) but it gives you full control of the installation process

There wasn't a C47 folder inside the MODS folder... I will just have to reinstall the game.
Could you point me to where i shall download the Mods enablers?

OK, there is no C47 Mod. It's a files thing. a) Do you have soundmod installled as required? If not install it and try again. b) D/l the skytrain exe folder from AAA, extract it to desktop (as I already told you). You'll find a 3do file (containing B25j cockpict, etc.) and 5 files with numbers. Go to your files folder, find THOSE files and disable them.
If you want a fresh start, you can decide whether you will follow the "big packs" way or the individual installation. I have a SAS-activated game, with renewable buttons which allows for individual Mod installations and works fine (I am an offliner).
Good luck

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