Can't see BOMBSIGHT ;(

I have a bug in almost all bombsights when i turn in to bombsight mode i can see only blank hole :
[Image: bombsight.jpg]
in some planes i can see :
[Image: bombsight2.jpg]
but nothing happen when i change parameters (bomb alt, speed etc)

only TB-3 bombsight works properly :-?

please help

It may be that you are not flying level.

If you pull any manouvers the norden bombsite crosshairs will dissapear for a number of seconds. It is a safety feature built into the sight so that you dont go firing your bombs all over the shop.

Try going to the bombsite veiw, engaging your level stabiliser, and count to 20. If it doesnt re-appear then you have a problem, but at the moment it looks too me like you are not flying level.

No level flight = no bombsite

In the first case bombsight appear when i fly and wait, but is not working.

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