Windows 7 reinstall problem


I'm trying to do a fresh install from the Il2 1946 disk with windows 7. I can't get the disk to install ,what am I doing wrong?
I've put the disk into the pc ,opened the files and run the setup exe as administrator and nothing happens. I've tried the same for all of the other applications and still no success.

How do I install fresh from the disk with win7 ?????
I've renamed my original install and kept it, as I intend to still use it from time to time
Please help.

I'm starting again and installing this up to 4.09m and then installing the UP 1.8 as I'm having a few conflict issues.

Thanks in advance.

I don't have Win 7 but I read somewhere here that you should run A.exe instead of SetUp.exe. Hope that works for you.

if you are trying to reinstall il2 you need to fool the cd into thinking that you never installed it before.

I did this by copying my exsisting games into a new folder and placed it onto my desk top as a backup .
I renamed this folder "X" and then deleted my game ubisoft folder
I then put the disk in the drive and opened it by right clicking on the cd icon
this enabled me to see into the disks directory and find the Il2 install.exe
I then doubled clicked on it and that started the install sequence,
with vista and win7 you need the give all files that with interact with another file admin rigths or they will get blocked by vista or Win 7 and not run.
This means Hyperlobby and anyother program that need to activate the game.

I have just had exactly the same issue reinstalling for the HSFX mod. Running the a.exe manually from the install disk will install, but I then had to install the securom diagnostic tool from their website in order to get the game to actually run; it updates their software protection stuff for IL-2 and now everything works perfectly on Win 7 Pro 64bit. Hope this helps.


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