One question on editing hier.him

Hi,all Big Grin
First,sorry for my English.
Since I face this problem,I come here to call for help at the very first second.
The question is:What is the specific meaning of "Attaching"numbers?
ie. 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
I just know a little about this:X Y Z xyz,when we change an objective angle or scale in one group( 0 1 0 or -1 0 0) along the X axis or other axis,we can easily get the answer,or just use MatrixParams to GET it.
But things would not always be simple----When I want EDIT "Attaching"numbers (edit,NOT use program to MAKE it)and three groups (xyz not include)are changed at the same time.When it all changed----What should I do? :roll:
what is the "Attaching"numbers changing principe?

Attaching Numbers is how you pivot, stretch and position the mesh in IL-2 World.

Just use the Matrix Parameter program.

Ok here is how I look at it.

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
X-------Y -------Z(Stretch)
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
-------------------x-y-z(Position, eg:Left,Down,Backwards)

Nothing More, I don't fiddle with those numbers after the 1's, I use Matrix program for those.
Keep things simple.

Thank you Verhängnis Smile
I know what are you just said :mrgreen:
I mean I want edit the number not just make it.
ie. here is a line in hier.him:0 1 0 -0.993248 0 0.11601 0.11601 0 0.993248 -2.99981 0.12572 -0.25481(a little long :mrgreen: )
MatrixParams can neither make the angle out nor help me to rotation the objective.
In this example,I just want to rotate the ojbective 90 degree. Smile

Start Matrix Program.

Copy and paste: 0 1 0 -0.993248 0 0.11601 0.11601 0 0.993248 -2.99981 0.12572 -0.25481
into the box and press Calculate Angles, then in the Angles boxes add 90 Degrees to your desired Axis and press Calculate Matrix then copy and paste the resulting line into the Hier.him. Smile

God... Confusedhock:
We have different version of MatrixParams?
In my program box,there isn't any "Calculate Angles"or"Calculate Matrix " :!: :?:
where did you find the program? Can you give it to me ?Please....

We don't but they do.,15.0.html

Tell me where did you get your Matrix Program?

Thank you friend! I got my Matrix Program on old AAA site.

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