Hi folks
I want to learn to make new skins.
I already tried to do some with gimp but I don
Others will no doubt point you to tutorials.
Here is my advice.
Find a really well organized template.
HH_Blaze has some great ones out there. US Grant, Casey, and others.
The logic of how the template is organized will be very instructive.
Pick one plane that has a great template and just keep working on skins until you get it.
And, yeah, check out some tutorials.
Yep. I'd also advise you to check out simmerspaintshop.com. Navigate to their Il-2 section and check out their skinning tutorials.
They'll also teach you how to make your own templates out of "void"-skins. If you're really interested in skinning, this is the
place to look for help. You'll also find some useful tools like the famed "bright", which reduces your 24-bit skins down to 8-bitters,
with excellent results. BTW, if you want to go 'legal' (of course you will...), you might wanna use Corel's "Photo-Paint" (included in the
'Corel Graphics Suite') or "PaintShop Pro", both good alternatives to the almighty, yet high priced PhotoShop.
Thank you very much the links are very helpful.