Nice skys you made there Bender - good work
Is the tga in subfolder 4 purposly named 4.tga instead of clouds256.tga? I renamed it clouds256.tga because...
...I created a small batch file (4KB) that randomly changes both the clouds and cloudnoises every start of IL2 (game start - not mission start).
It needs to be placed in your ..\mods\Bender Sky V3 - Original\ folder. Create a batch file (for example: randomsky.cmd) with notepad and paste the following lines into it:
@echo off
set /a randomsky=%random% %%16+1
cd %randomsky%
copy clouds256.tga ..\..\mapmods\maps\_tex\clouds256.tga /y
cd ..\cloudnoise
set /a randomnoise=%random% %%3+1
cd %randomnoise%
copy cloudsnoise.tga ..\..\..\mapmods\maps\_tex\cloudsnoise.tga /y
Save and exit. Then create a desktop link to the batch and run it before starting IL2.(or, for example, if you use il2stab to start your game, you could create an external link to the batch that runs every time you start IL2)
Tested on Windows XP SP3. I'm not sure if the %random% function works under Vista (I'm sure someone could try it).
Be aware that the batch doesn't make a backup of the current clouds256.tga / cloudsnoise.tga in the ..\mods\mapmods\maps\_tex folder but, this would be easy to add.
It's primitive but - what the hell - it works.
cya in the variable skys