Wish granted but he's a paedophille...
I wish I had a nuclear bomb that won't kill me.
Wish Granted, except it killed everyone else.
I wish I could think of something to wish for, outa ideas...
Wish Granted, except it requires a very large power source only achievable through Anti-Matter -- Matter Annihalation.
I wish for a Teleporter.
Granted---but now you have to wear Tom Baker's retardedly long scarfs from the 1970s Dr. Who.
I wish I had a great box of Cuban cigars.
Granted.... but they are illegal, see a pattern?
wish i had a carrier
Wish granted, but it's me :twisted:
I wish I had a butler
Wish granted... But you work for philip.ed in his Castle.
I wish they made Oblivion V
Wish Granted, except it is the Plastic/Rubber version used as the movie prop.
I wish for a Mr Potato Head.
Wish Granted but it's Mrs Potato Head,
I wish for a my own Helicopter