Ok thanks for you Opinions and I have gone for U.I Version 1.1 the 1.2 the 1.2.5 as I didn't go with the U.I last time,
But Can I install MODS and Disable MOD in the U.I if I don't want one?
I doubt that he is stupid enough to mix up UP with HFSX, but it would be easy to accidentally hit UI as opposed to UP.
My rec.
If you have sufficient storage place on your HD
then download and modify 2 versions of your Il2 1946 4.09m
One for offline playing and my personal fav. UP2.0
Next with HSFX 4.1 This for online playing.
Place two icons one for each modversion on your desktop.
UP2.0 include and install nearly all the most pupular and important mods around during installation.
HSFX do nearly the same, with some limits I think, and is the one that most online servers demand for connection.
Why? Other have to explain why it is so. It has somthing to do with moded AC-FM envelope to do I think. Not sure...
Beside the JSGME prg. in UP2.0 and HSFX, were you can toggle diffrent mod on/off, in UP2.0 you still can download and install allmost any mods
into a MOD folder as we did in the earlier AAA-UI1.2 and 2.0, but then the loading time begin to increase as more mods you install and use from this folder.
It is very easy to install skins, new maps. campains, missions etc... to UP2.0. Most new mods I DL. works for both UP2.0 and HSFX.
Many incl. my self still run one AAA-UI2.0 MOD version, but I must say its not that often any more.
Most important is that you back-up your game what ever modversion you go for. Soner or later you encounter a mod that dont cope with you game, other mods, grafic-card or
other thing that make your game crash or not working properly. Then you be happy to have a backup to get it back without all installation and patching again.
Well Good luck and have fun.
Fail is still a fail, lmao.
The HSFX 4.1 gives you all of that.
UI 1.2.5 beta content was mostly included in the HSFX 4.1 and this is the HSFX 4.1 includes a bunch of other mods.