[MOD] Propeller Animation Mod V2.0 (still Beta)

Thx Guys !! Big Grin

Omg, Oberst how could I forget them? Thanks alot... actualized, reuploaded, now they are in, mate.
Thank you !!

It is a very nice mod Tongue But I am using one of your older versions, and I think I prefer it, even if it isn't as realistic as this Big Grin

philip.ed Wrote:It is a very nice mod Tongue But I am using one of your older versions, and I think I prefer it, even if it isn't as realistic as this Big Grin

Cool, in german we say: "Sch

Seeming that this Mod is over 4 Gigabites then what does it actually do?


Well, he say 4 GB!!!!!

hello, okay with you?
remember me?
is getting really good!
else can give an idea?
attempts to increase the size of the width of the blades in texture (the yellow part is not optimal it must not shake).
[Image: 00001p.jpg]

highlight some akele drawing that has the blade in the middle too.
and decrease the rotating speed just a bit because it seems that you are looking to prop against the sun (you know when you look her in regard to a tv i see it spinning). be able to test and see if there is good!
then take a look at the 109 and 190.

Thank you and sorry for bothering again!

Hey heero mate,

thanks for offering your ideas Big Grin

I tried that with drawings in the middle... looks stupid...they turn grey against light.
I have another trick in mind how to get it to work....lets see.

Thank you for your help man Smile

why not use a lighter shade of red?
technically the same emblem is red!

[Image: p51prop.jpg]

[Image: Mark_and_P_51_prop_JPEG.jpg]

it's not red and gray
then I believe a slight reddish tint would be good!

~Salute~ Very nice!

[Image: il2fb2010-05-0712-41-04-46-1.jpg]

Oh, men I really love this mod!!! Thank you Renmik so much!!! Great!

you could use the effect of the idea that I gave at the P-51 prop at all has already proposed that the basic one is spinning or is equal, the only thing that changes is the amount of plates and details such as the yellow tip for each (USA, UK) Red List for others (JP) and details of the brand and specifications of the manufactures that feral comes in yellow, the rest is mostly black, or wood or silver!

not agree?

only an idea to help!

PS: the prop of MC.205 did not appear very well! this means invisible
[Image: 1105201020248.jpg]


would separate the prop of the Spitfire which has three blades of the propeller of the P-51D?
pq technically slides and marks of Spitfire and P-51D erao different

[Image: 2007_0730Image0053.jpg]

[Image: 2007july9duxford286c.jpg]

[Image: dx2.jpg]

[Image: detail-spitfire-ix-06-copie-3.jpg]

and would give that effect on the prop?
[Image: cpiadef4u.jpg]

Slight bumpage here.

I'm absolutely McLovin' this mod but..

Is there a way to reduce the flickering center on the propdisc a bit more?
It's highly visible on a/c with a small propshaft like the F4U, Tbolt, Hellcat, A20's etc. and it degrades the entire mod's effect a bit imho. Smile

And increase the speed up/down effects a bit more if possible, as it seems that under 30% power it varies a little and above 30% it hardly changes anymore.

While I don't know if it's realistic or not though, so I'll leave that to the experts, but if it's not realistic, then forget about it. Tongue

hello all right with you?
I come here to bring you a video that can help you to end your magnificent project, hope that helps!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xITLBRkO ... _embedded#!

hi Renmik and thks a lot for your beautiful mod!
could you add in the future the new F4U-4 and F4U-5?
best regards, Gianluca

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