he he, ...... Been there, done that...It DON'T Work! Turns out the battery holder is way too heavy!
Isn't anyone else going to post their stuff? I am sure there is more cool pits out there!
Boy, I left that one WIDE open! Better take care of that louse crawling around up in the left corner! Damn good thing I didn't say Cock pit, or would that imply a completely different anatomical part of the body.
As for the G940 , much of what you tell is accurate, but alas I must adapt until I can scrounge up enough money for something else. What I did not not know was that there were fixes that don't work and that the "help" scampered away when the fixes didn't work. So thanx for the heads up. I won't bother. The Saitek X-52 was the best and still is. How are the pedals?
I was beginning to think this was a post about displaying your gear....What was I thinking!!