Ship Camera Download

Here you have it:

The Invisable Camera Ship ver 1.1

[Image: movie20cameraul7.jpg]

Cameraship ver 1.1 now with full 360 degree movement

It features a forward camera position and a 360° movement, allows padlock and is clear of any objects/meshes, also due to the plane being invisible it offers a wide variety of camera angels and filming methods.

Download here;

Programed by Fireball
based upon the idea of Zorin
brought to life by MrJolly


Thank you, ton

Thanks x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for this , is a must mod for moviemaking Thanks again m8 Smile

Thanks for this. Would be good for a Sink the Bismarck scenario/Movie.

I just moved this to IL2 Mods Downloads
And gave it a All Aircraft Simulations link as well.
Thank you for posting this, ton


Verhängnis Wrote:Thanks for this. Would be good for a Sink the Bismarck scenario/Movie.
You have camera in my room? How you knew that?

Thanks for the link! Finally I can get it.

Smile Er..ahem.cough"Duquesne" ahey er.cough...


60% Crash, how do I uninstall?

I can't find where it installed to.

Also I can't use the search engine for "60% Crash" it ignores the first part of the query "60%" I also tried "60 percent" or "sixty percent" and " sixty %" No joy.....

So how do I find the fixes/causes for 60 % startup crashes.....I know they are in here......I seen em' ......

Thanx in advance for any help....

the 60% crash troubleshooter

This article assumes that you have a modded version of IL2 that worked in the past, but that now crashed to desktop at 60% load after you installed a new plane.

Here is a step by step guide that will get you out of it 99.9 % of the time.

The 60% crash explained :

60 % crashes are caused by a broken chain of reference between your games air.ini file, the contents of your mods folder, and your buttons file.

When you load the game, it boots up these three things in the following way.

1) It loads the air.ini file, which tells it what planes to load.
2) It then goes to look for these planes, first in your mods folder, and if it doesn’t not find them there, it looks for them in your game’s own “SFS” files.
3) When it finds the plane, the plane’s files will tell it which Flightmodel data’s needed for that plane. Flightmodel data is contained in the Buttons file.

If at any stage in this process, the game is told to look for something and it cannot find it, it will crash back to desktop at 60% loading time.

Thanx for the info I will keep this for future reference, I think I need to reinstall this one. It was a mess anyway, too many things I did not keep track of.

does camera ship mod work on HSFX?

Yes, it works fine.

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