CoD: map maker impresions?!

For those who have already the game or like me just looking at screenshots:
What do you think about the terrain, lighting etc in the CoD.
And some more specific questions:
Forests: different from il2 with it's 5 layers (wood0,1,2,3,4.tga)?
Rivers: how narrow? In il2 less then 100 meter wide is hard to do...
Objects visibility? Smoother pop up?

I think lighting of terrain is better, judging for a couple of screenshots, simulating better landscape in sun light under clear atmosphere.
I liked the grass at ground level..
Any other nice ground details?!

Moved to Cliffs of Dover Forum.


is there no rain or storms in COD? never saw that yet but then again just do campaigns atm (and they suck) landscapes are very cool for me or graphical i have no complaints

Rowddy Wrote:is there no rain or storms in COD? never saw that yet but then again just do campaigns atm (and they suck) landscapes are very cool for me or graphical i have no complaints

Why do the campagins suck?

well it's short for one, the english Campaign cannot be more then 10 missions
the AI is not very smart on PC (they make incredible moves at times)
most of the times they not shoot at any planes
when leading a wing or just a wingman he not listen to any orders i give him/them
Lots of beauty bugs in the campaigns like all parked aircraft don't have any markings
I cannot choose between Bombers or fighters
the map in the Campaign has no waypoints etc. I can't see where i am or where i'm going (i want the old 1946 map back pls)
i cannot order other flights like in Il-2 1946
and the list goes on.....

Wow that does sound dissapointing...

well i kinda am Sad make no mistake it looks aswome but since i never fly online anymore i miss the old gameplay it was 1000x more entertaining. Now i have awsome views but overall it's kinda boring tbh.

+1, like Rowddy says, environment looks awesome but for the rest Cod is empty....i think that future patches wil fill the gaps like campains/missions ectr, i'm not sure but wheather changing is in future plans cause i already saw that seperate clouds are moving and changing shape, bottomline ; The basics are there but the game isn't ready yet.

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