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The file/files that you can change with notpad is/are. eff files for more information and details see here:
scroll down until you see the yellow lines in post where I have explained all parametrs in . eff file in detail. The textures you can edit or change as
you want.
So here's a first question
The file tankdyingsmoke.eff controls the smoke of a tank which was destroyed. Stuka's mod tankdyingsmoke.eff looks like (this mod is a beauty 8) 8) 8) )
ClassName TSmokeSpiralParams
MatName vas_Smoke.mat
Color0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.60
Color1 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
nParticles 120.0
FinishTime -1.0
MaxR 160.0
PhiN 0.40
PsiN 0.30
LiveTime 8.0
EmitVelocity 12.0 14.0
EmitTheta 12.0 360.0
EmitFrq 10.0
Wind 1.0
Size 7.0 55.0
GasResist 0.10
VertAccel 10.0
Rnd 0.5
As it is in the mod the destroyed tank smoke will last forever. If I change for example
FinishTime -1.0 to FinishTime 1234.0 then the smoke will last for 1234 seconds and then vanish. This can be a good think when you play very ground-intensive missions like I do (or I did, nw I have very little time :mrgreen: ). Anyone can just tune this and similar parameters for planedyingsmoke cardyingsmoke etc. This is explained in the link Stuka gave just above. I thought it's good to explainin more detail.
Now for my first question:
I would like to decrease a bit JUST the height of the tank smoke. Is it possibe to do it just by changing some other parameter in this file? I tried but I didn't succeed...
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Yes,in 3 ways, or you have to change all 3 parameters, it depends on how you want it!
1. "LiveTime " parameter it says -->particles lifetime in s (seconds). if you decrase it we say from 8.0 to 2.0 the particles will disappear faster and the smoke height will bi decreased but it may cause that the effect may look strange, so you may change other parameters too!(don't change many parameters at the sametime, only one parameter and then check the effect).
2. You can decrese "VertAccel" too from 10.0 to 4.0 or 5.0 (this will make smoke hight shorter too)
3. or increse "GasResist " this will compress particles more and the smoke will be shorter.
It all depends on how you want your effect should look like.
The hardest thing is to learn how the different parameters interact with each other.
These changes (in all required parameters) must be in a way that the whole effect looks normal but shorter.
Remember as i said " To manipulate all these parameters which are in connection to each other, is very time consuming..."
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Hi lowfighter!
Yes you can do it by editing Explosions.class file.
I don't know how to do that :oops:
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lowfighter Wrote:I don't know how to do that :oops:
well ,if you dig here in the forum or in SAS you can get the necessary tools and learn the basics.
the tools you need are" DJ Java Decompiler 3.10" google for it and
"Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition 1.3.1_20" download here
Observera! that you must use this version av java (Edition 1.3.1_20) other will not work, i don't
use it with win7, i use it with winxp if it will work with win7 or not you must investigate yourself.
Then go here and read this section
Appendix 1: Installing the JDK on Windows for what you have to do after installation, and do as it says, remember that it explains fo an other version of java than you have installed, so when you do changes in "EnvironmentVariables" you must write your versions number and Path.
You can control the craters when editing the mission in FMB. :wink:
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Its part of the stock game in FMB.