Landing Gear Again

I have tried mapping keys to manual up & down. Doesn't work. I have tried to map the g key to gear up/down. Again doesn't work. What am I doing wrong??

There are two gear up/down settings in different places in the configuration menu. The first sets the key for gear up and the lower ( a pager or two down from the first) sets the gear down button/key.

Manual gear up/down required numerous key presses to raise/lower the gear. Not just one. IE, you need to press the key/button around 20 times to raise/lower the gear manually.

you can use Xpadder to bind a keyboard press to your joystick and set it to turbo so that all you have to do is hold the key until it says "Gear: up"

Got it fixed. All is well. Thanks!!

The HSFX 6.0.1 bug-fix patch is available:


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