UFO Deep Space Message Cover-up?


Once in a while I find online articles about this incident:
http://joe-burd.newsvine.com/_news/2011 ... her-galaxy


That's very cool reading 8)


Well interesting, but I am quite sceptic... Confusedhock:

Message has been send 80.000 years ago, from Andromeda (which is 2.538.000 Mly) so it means that the message has flown more than 31 times faster then the light...

For me it is a fake ;o)

Ted Big Grin


Are they saying that it was traveling at the speed of light for 80,000 years? I would think that the signal would be too faint by the time it reaches Earth. What do I know? :mrgreen:


An alien species, which probably has a different biological origin, behaviour, thought processes, sensory capability, social structures, and no doubt language, sends us a mathematical code that we were able to translate as a clear message of help from a civilisation 80,000 light years away? Oh come on...

Incidentially the point about message attenuation is a good one, though we have no way of knowing how powerful the message generator would be. However, even if this message was genuine, why would an alien species send a message for help? It sounds perfectly sensible at first, but sending a message into the universe suggests that firstly this species/society either believes or knows someone will receive it, and secondly, that the very same someone is in any position to help. After all, radio messages travel at the speed of light which although incredibly fast, must still cover the vast distances between worlds. Their message took 80,000 years to reach us. Even if we were the intended recipient (how did they know we were here?), it would take well in excess of 80,000 years to send help even if it were possible.

Bunkum. Sheer bunkum. It is actually the same concept that some writers apply to ancient civilisations, insisting that certain cultures were survivors of alien space crashes trying to survive until the mother ship arrives, which is incidentially the very same intellectual/religious belief as the Second Coming, the Rapture, or other revelationary rescues.

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