A 60s chopper the S58

The Sikorsky S58/H34/Wessex

the firm Sikorsky, after the S55, S58 developed (later renamed HSS1, SeaBat, seahorse, H34, Choctawn) used in many countries in a variety of roles, transport, anti-submarine combat, counter-insurgency, rescue an extensively modified version of the Wesland gave birth to the Wessex used to fight anti-submarine, transportation and rescue, worked for many years and has been involved in many conflicts.
[Image: h9eox304k8wgb276g.jpg]
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Gio: Aircraft and weapons 3D.

EctoFlyer: Default skins.

OC-Tiger: Default skins and weapons skins.

Bombsaway: Testing.

CWatson: Slots and weapons classes.

Slots and FM based on SAS~Sani and Flakiten's Sikorsky classes.

URL for download is :

Greetings GIO.


THANKS A LOT for sharing that new beauty with us !!!!! I am sure many will enjoy it ;o)

Congratulation to the team for the great stuff !!!


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