Some work on trees

A shot of a "new" tree together with the original. The skin of the new tree is actually taken from a photo of a real tree :wink: Well, just playing around...

[Image: broad2.jpg]

Much nicer Smile

Cheers, Neil Smile

looks good.. Big Grin

" with a book of verse beneath the bough; a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou..."

don't forget to send it for D/L

Thanks guys for encouragement!
What I need is not one more tree type but maybe 20 more tree types. My hope is that some more talented (than me) and more skilled (than me) skinners would lend a hand and produce them. I'm not very optimistic though, because I think most people don't care about trees. On ubi, several times me and a handful of other chaps asked for new trees, got no answer of course. But much support from the community in this demand, that we didn't get EITHER. So because of those threads I think most people don't care about trees. Although to me it's the thing which brings life to a map.

Fred, where's that pleasant quote from???

I like trees...and am working on something too.....

"Awake! for morning in the bowl of night, has cast a stone, and set the stars to flight; and Lo the hunter of the East, has caught the Sultan's turret in a noose of light..."

"'tis all a chequer-board of nights and days; where destiny with men for pieces plays, hither and thither, moves, and mates, and slays, and one by one back in the closet lays.."

...The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam-

The Edward Fitzgerald 1st Edition is perhaps the most popular translation...

Thanks Fred for quotes and links!
Nice you're doing too something in the tree department Big Grin

I made a new group of winter trees...and use them to pop up when the normal groups are destroyed...instead of just the single dead tree trunk...which I still keep for the single trees

pity i cannot seem to make them as collision objects the undestroyed trees are....vehicles just go right through them.....Oh well ...better than having the trees just disappear in a cloud of dust :?

[Image: 3101200812-15-25.jpg]

Now we need a similar state for the palm tree group Ag1. Perhaps one of the trunks cut off, and the rest with shredded fronds that are much shorter.

That would be SO cool. For later in the campaign, You'd go to attack Munda, for example, and the mission builder can liberally have japanese planes bomb their own palm groves so that when the player gets there it looks shredded from previous missions! (then the bombers can land, taxi, and park to be "real" targets for strafing, woot!

yes...although we can use the static planes as targets now...since i gave them an explosion and smoke when hit.....

I need to find out how to have the destroyed version of an object (whether the actual tga is of a destroyed one or not) a collideable object the live version is......cannot seem to find how to do it :?

This looks very good! 8) 8) 8)

fabianfred Wrote:I made a new group of winter trees...and use them to pop up when the normal groups are destroyed...instead of just the single dead tree trunk...which I still keep for the single trees

pity i cannot seem to make them as collision objects the undestroyed trees are....vehicles just go right through them.....Oh well ...better than having the trees just disappear in a cloud of dust :?

[Image: 3101200812-15-25.jpg]

The palmAg1 looks like this in static.ini:
Title           PalmAgroup1
MeshLive        3do/flora/palms/LiveAg1.sim
Body            WoodMiddle
Panzer          0.75

Notice the mesh points at the SIM. There is no dead SIM. So make one:

3do/flora/palms/LiveAg1.sim becomes 3do/flora/palms/DeadAg1.sim

The "live" sim looks like:
Mesh LiveAg1
CollisionObject xpalm1_01
CollisionObject xpalm1_02
CollisionObject xpalm1_03
CollisionObject xpalm1_04
CollisionObject xpalm1_05

So the Dead could just be a renamed copy, right? The top line, Mesh LiveAg1 changed to Mesh DeadAg1 (assuming you named the shedded palm DeadAg1.


[Image: 3101200814-46-18.jpg]
[Image: 3101200814-46-59.jpg]

these any good..??

Cool! Getting there, for sure!

I have some real pics:

[Image: buna_shredded.jpg]

[Image: tarawa2.jpg]


the game engine seems to require fronds sticking i cannot have them drooping down the trunk...

....I am not up to the cut and paste of bits and pieces which some guys are doing with the ships etc.

I can put these destroyed palms in place of the vacant Mesh that they will appear when the live trees are damaged

but I still cannot make them as collideable objects..!!??? Cry

Thanks to you guys for all these great tree mods.
I dont have your talents - but I'm very good at asking for "more please" !

Since "Pacific Fighters", we've had palm trees - I guess they are coconut palms?
Unfortunately, they've been used ever since for all desert scenarios, as stand-ins for date palms.
But what very poor date palms they make!!! Ruins the desert immersion for me.
A date palm should stand tall & straight, with very coarse grey bark and thick masses of olive-green fronds - not the wispy bilious green ones you see on these coconut palms!
Can anyone make a date palm??

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