Pilot moving on ground

How can be this done?


I can imagine pilots running to their spitfires,SCRAMBLE SCRAMBLE!!!

Hhh... or Finnish Me 109s

Yeah or brewsters Wink

Or Gladiators, or Hurricanes!

Or Germans running to their Bf's!

lol.. Here it comes again, Battlefield 1942! :wink:
I for one want to fly the damn things, not run about and then suddenly, you are then in the cockpit!..

Would be great for moviemaking though.
And then i would finally be able to finish a mission completely, not sitting in the plane until everone has landed and then exit, but instead hopping off and heading over to a nearby building or to a friend's plane after he has taxied in place.
Incorporated into such a great mod could be the user-controlled opening of the parachute after bailing.
Or a coop where the parachuter places in a dakota or Ju 52 could be taken, the players taking the objective after landing and a possible misdrop.

Now after thinking about all this, it indeed sounds a bit like BF, but that would just enhance the game for me. Not a bad idea at all.

Cheers to the "funpolice", like someone called the naysayers some days ago. :lol:

Now look at the first few posts of this thread....Ilmavoimat guys only (even though there's not a drop of Finnsh blood in me veins, and the only Finnish words I know are "Suomi", "Ilmavoimat", "Idiotti", and "Uuno", as well as counting 0,1,8 or something like that :roll: )

And what does that prove? Can be just a mere coincidence. And not a strange one at that.
If you have to add something to the thread, please refer to the thread subject or at least something to do with modding or the game.
Only my opinion though. But without all the clutter it would make discussion much easier. :roll:

(Sorry for the short language switch, but I can express this more..well.....more....ah, just say better, in German)

Klemm, ich wollte nur eine kleine Zwischenbemerkung zum Verlauf dieses Themas bringen. Es ist mir klar, dass zu viele dieser Posts eine Diskussion vlockieren, allerdings gibt es Threads hier bei AAA bei denen es anfangs zB (das is jetz ausgedacht) um nen Cockpit-Repaint von was wei

Sorry, this will be in german too.
Ich versteh dich voll, Noctis, (oder wie auch immer ich dich nennen darf), ich hab meinen post nicht (so) b

-1 for the mod :? Sad

Ah, yet again.

Mod was done by George A Romero - and has been very popular, with several different follow on mods, and remakes. Very good entertainment, and a unique genre.


I honestly dont understand why having such a harsh feeling about this mod. I mean, u want to use it? Fine! I'm mostly an offline player and having such possibility would give such cool potential for single missions! So can anybody explain me what is all the fuss about?

Alex T. Wrote:I honestly dont understand why having such a harsh feeling about this mod. I mean, u want to use it? Fine! I'm mostly an offline player and having such possibility would give such cool potential for single missions! So can anybody explain me what is all the fuss about?

yes for single play, this is an awesome mod, but for online play, it serves no purpose Smile

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