white patches on skins in open GL

Does anyone know what might be causing enemy aircraft to show big white patches on their skins, but only in open GL?

I was using Direct X to test the bloom mod. When I went to Open Gl this problem presented itself.

I removed the bloom mod, and the problem persists.

Any advice?

sorry to be uh uh

can you please some screenshots? Smile

I had some problem's with( white patche's) 2, :evil: :evil:
I found out that if i put the new DLL in the config,map it whent a way :lol:
i dont know if we have the same problem ??
But it whas more like blink's on my skin,s if you know what i meen. :wink:
do you have a Geforce 8800 grafik card or ?
my is a 8800 GTS


Thanks for the replies mates.

It's a Radeon 9200, I'll post some pics so you can see the problem.

It's more like permanent white patches, but only on enemy craft.

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