Postcards from Zimbotho

Dear AAA Forum,

Out here in Zimbotho the weather is.. well... hot. Our chaps have been busy preparing airfields and landscaping the local scenery. Don't know why, sooner or later you're going to flatten everything with two-fifty pounders... But until then, I've posted some pics of life out here in the African colonies.

Morning sunshine at Pierre-Monde
Spitfires await this mornings detail at a civil airfield south of the Javango Swamp visible in the background.

Sight-seeing along the Zimbeze
A Short Sunderland cruises along the River Zimbeze near the seaplane base at Chadaweze. The Javango Swamp reaches into the distance. Crocodiles, snakes, mosquito's, and who knows what else...

On patrol in the Hinterland
A Westland Wapiti keeps a wary eye on tribesmen out in the dry Hinterland. Dodgy lot they are, always causing trouble, and you never know who's behind it.

Joining the circuit at Alembo
The wet season is always difficult and this Hurricane pilot has had enough. Time to put down and scrounge some char.

Low pass at Pieterville
The main airport at Zimbotho's capital is busy with aircraft travelling to and from India. Not sure the airport controller will appreciate the exuberance, so I'm off to Kunanda before I get reported. See you all later.

Me likes it Big Grin

Just maybe some newer textures . . .


Some of the textures are new. That scrubland the Wapiti is flying over is mine, not a default texture. The farmland is also mine but it needs some working on because it looks too european at the moment.

There's a whole load of stuff I need to get done on this map. Once all the airfields are in place I'll see about putting a beta version up, though it will have some obvious faults to it. Give it a few weeks.

The scrubland texture looks very very good ... looks like something not really used before. Great work.

This is a shot in-game of some of the newer texturing. Its not just a matter of reselecting textures in the load.ini file that others have so succesfully employed, but to repaint large section of the landscape almost from scratch. Luckily large sections could be painted over with scrub or jungle, but the detail work in escarpments and plateaus that are found in plenty on the stalingrad map is going to take time.

As before, the scrubland is mine, although it does use the foliage distribution of the default 'grassand' (not the colours!)

The roughened badland texture is developed from a greyscale rock texture I got from the net.

Phasmid's large mountain textures were used as the basis for the crags, but I had to reduce the contrast and recolour it to a more dusty shade to make it fit the scenery.


This is a great project caldrail. It'll be good to have a totally new type of landscape to fly over. Good updates, too.

Screenshots look very promising!

Nearly a disaster. The map crashed on me last night leaving me scratching my head at 'worldload error' messages. I knew it wasn't the actor.static file - thats only 78k at the moment - so it was something else, but I found a careless edit within load.ini and all is working again. Phew.

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