Placing aerodrome points driving me nuts

Searched the site to no avail.

I'm currently placing aerodrome points (RUNWAY, TAXI, STAY) on my Denmark map and I can't get AI to taxi to my parking spots (STAY). Landing on assigned RWY is fine but they don't taxi following the TAXI tracks I've laid down, they simply vanish before thay start to taxi. I've gone through the way various maps are made and I think I'm doing the right thing, interface between RUNWAY, TAXI and STAY points are placed in close proximity, numbers are increasing along assigned taxi routes and so on. My question is, is there a set of rules I have to adhere to, is there a tutorial on Aerodrome point assignment?

All help most welcome ...

Make sure there are no objects such as buildings or revetments near the taxi point.

Redwulf__32 Wrote:Searched the site to no avail.

I'm currently placing aerodrome points (RUNWAY, TAXI, STAY) on my Denmark map and I can't get AI to taxi to my parking spots (STAY). Landing on assigned RWY is fine but they don't taxi following the TAXI tracks I've laid down, they simply vanish before thay start to taxi. I've gone through the way various maps are made and I think I'm doing the right thing, interface between RUNWAY, TAXI and STAY points are placed in close proximity, numbers are increasing along assigned taxi routes and so on. My question is, is there a set of rules I have to adhere to, is there a tutorial on Aerodrome point assignment?

All help most welcome ...

Could you upload some screen shots? I had a similar issue and I would be able to help if I
was able to see clearly the details.


Click to download an Actors.static file (10K).

Screenshots from FMB

Note: Runway area is covered with BlankRunway plates to make wide grass strip. TO and LDG works fine.

[Image: Tirstrup_fighter_rwy_01.jpg]

[Image: Tirstrup_fighter_rwy_02.jpg]


for the sake of performance, you are using too many taxi points.

remove your white object marker thingys, shorten the gaps between the runway markers and the taxi markers, then have AI land there and see what happens. use a b-24 for the AI planes (3 flights of 4 at least). the wingspan of the plane will expose any landing, taxi, or parking collision dangers.

Couple of things to try.

Firstly, place your first taxi point directly on the runway point. (see bottom image). If you want things to link up smoothly, place linked points directly over each other.

Secondly, don't have two 'commands' for a single point. For example, in the top pic in the sandy area at the top, there are two STAY points for each TAXI point. The AI doesn't seem to like too many choices.

Hope that's helpful


canonuk Wrote:Secondly, don't have two 'commands' for a single point. For example, in the top pic in the sandy area at the top, there are two STAY points for each TAXI point. The AI doesn't seem to like too many choices.Joe


Thnx for all the suggestions, I'll give it a shot. I'm basically trying to "reverse engineer" the technique used here (see screenshot).

Detail Online9a
[Image: Online9a_grab_01.jpg]

One thing I noticed is that the distance between adjecent points (RUNWAY to TAXI, TAXI to STAY) is less than 10m and mine is higher, might be the problem.

Once again, thnx for all the suggestions.

All (test) flights down and parked. Thnx all Big Grin

Trick was to get adjecent points close enough to each other.

Glad to hear it!

Awesome! a denmark map! are you gonna include all of denmark or just a part of it? if so, which part?
what size and scale will it be?

general_Kalle Wrote:Awesome! a denmark map! are you gonna include all of denmark or just a part of it? if so, which part?
what size and scale will it be?

All of it, 1:1, Bornholm included 8) Sk

Redwulf__32 Wrote:Searched the site to no avail.

I'm currently placing aerodrome points (RUNWAY, TAXI, STAY) on my Denmark map and I can't get AI to taxi to my parking spots (STAY). Landing on assigned RWY is fine but they don't taxi following the TAXI tracks I've laid down, they simply vanish before thay start to taxi. I've gone through the way various maps are made and I think I'm doing the right thing, interface between RUNWAY, TAXI and STAY points are placed in close proximity, numbers are increasing along assigned taxi routes and so on. My question is, is there a set of rules I have to adhere to, is there a tutorial on Aerodrome point assignment?

All help most welcome ...

What I do is lay out the RUNWAY points. Its a good idea to have two or three waypoints along the way for taxiways etc. Once you've done that, look for the Runaway category, select Ground, and place one next to the outermost RUNWAY marker but make sure its outside the end of the intended runway, not inside, or your AI controller will keep waving arrivals off. Rotate to suit.

Go back too Aerdrome Points, select TAXI. Now build a taxi route between one end of the runway and the other (you may wish to repeat this for the other side) and to avoid any wave off problem, its a good idea to use RUNWAY points that aren't at the ends. You only need to put the point close to another waypoint.

Now build connecting TAXI points. It doesn't matter where they go, just as long as they start near an existing TAXI or RUNWAY point. Make sure you include enough waypoints to allow STAY locations.

STAY points are next. You can use any TAXI waypoint to link to - you need only locate the point close to it - and wherever possible only use a second point as your parking spot. Bear in mind the AI isn't too accurate at taxiing and make sure you have enough room even for large bombers.

Don't worry too much about how many STAY points you need. Aeroplanes will mysteriously vanish if there aren't enough. I generally try to find between 16 and 32 locations. You shouldn't need any more than that unless you intend to replicate something like the parking for D-Day.

Hope that helps.

Denmark teaser picture.

[Image: Denmark_WIP_1.jpg]


I have an entire book about Aalborg West and some pics of R

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