[EDITED] Little tool for Map Builders before Philippines

[EDITED 10.23.08]

Updated by including most of modded objects... Canon, LAL_Rone, Fabianfred, Flags... ( named as appearing in static.ini )

DL at http://rapidshare.com/files/156869464/Re...d.zip.html

Before Philippines final version release (... in Fly_zo hands for official download link...) I would like to share a little tool I made for manipulation of outBuildings or inBuildings files

It is quite useful when you want to quickly remove one type of objects, ie remove Palm Trees out of your actors.static to have a lighter version... in just one click... without having to delete line by line in outBuildings.txt...

- usage... double-click on RemoveObj.vbs
- you can select the file to proceed
- you can choose amongst all "official" objects (I didn't include modded objects)
- you can select the ratio of objects to be removed... all, 1 for 2, 3, 5 or 10
- short help included

As it is written in VBS, it's possible that your antivirus soft would shout... but I guarantee, there is nothing bad at all...

You can download at :


and a screenshot

[Image: Remove_Objects.jpg]

Wow! this is fantastic, Thank you!


nice piece of work ...... very useful
do you have it reading from the static.ini file or what to give its list of Objects.... perhaps it could be altered easily to read from our own static.ini instead of the default one?

Thank you for this Big Grin

cannot get it to work....

Firefox is my default and the panel looks Ok but it doesn't remove the lines of text...and there is nothing if I press Help or About
if i change my default to IE nothing works right
yes i do allow the script error

You may have a security protocol not allowing the .vbs file to run correctly.

Works fine on my machine after allowing blocked content to run.

Nice work! 8)

Hey thaks a lot for that very usefull work mate!
Briliant idea, I will test it.

Very clever! Very useful for editing airfields on bigger maps. Thankyou!!! Big Grin

Well at the start, it was only a little script to clean outBuildings of Palm Trees... and later I decided to extend possibilities :wink:

About including other objects, yes it would be easy, I used only two scripts to get regular objects from official static.ini... so I can do the same for modded objects, I need only to have the last updated one... the problem is that I would have to make update for each new mod with new objects...

For problem of not working, it is clearly related with allowing blocked content to run. I run it with Firefox or IE without any problem... Fabianred, maybe you have a Firefox extension like NoScript or else that doesn't allow to run script....

This is gonna be useful!
Delvpier, I don't quite understand this, mainly the text after "...":

- you can select the ratio of objects to be removed... all, 1 for 2, 3, 5 or 10

About new objects to be added, perhaps the easiest is to have the prog reading the objects from a simple text database, such that any user can just add to that database a simple text line for any new object he wants to include.

How does this thing work :oops:
Do i open actors.static with it?
Arrow NOoOB Tutorial needed

Read again the first post and you'll get the answer :wink:
kapteeni Wrote:Do i open actors.static with it?

lowfighter Wrote:This is gonna be useful!
Delvpier, I don't quite understand this, mainly the text after "...":

- you can select the ratio of objects to be removed... all, 1 for 2, 3, 5 or 10

About new objects to be added, perhaps the easiest is to have the prog reading the objects from a simple text database, such that any user can just add to that database a simple text line for any new object he wants to include.

First...well, I wanted to mean you have choice to remove all objects or only half, third, fifth, tenth part of them. I don't know if expression "1 for 2" is correct in English... French speaking :wink:

About adding new objects, no, it's not possible that way because all names are listed in a ListBox and hardcoded in html code... you can edit html file, you will see them...

... but I can release a version with all modded objects as they are known at this time... for that I need only one up to date static.ini; the last one I have is from Fabianred site and I don't know if it includes all last modded objects released (ie Mod Hangar v2.0)

If someone tells me where I can download the last updated static.ini, I will release an updated version

lowfighter Wrote:Read again the first post and you'll get the answer :wink:
kapteeni Wrote:Do i open actors.static with it?
It does not work for me Cry
I'm using XP pro with IE6,
Here is what i did:
1 excracted program in to my HD
2 copyed 1 actors.static to folder and opened it with Select a file .
3 Tried to remove lots of stuff
4 pasted new actors.static to map. Opened with FMB. All the objects were there. Besides file was excactly the same size than original
I also tried to click the help button, but it did not work either...or about button.
I will try again with other computer.Maybe it is some IE issue!!

kapteeni Wrote:
lowfighter Wrote:Read again the first post and you'll get the answer :wink:
kapteeni Wrote:Do i open actors.static with it?
It does not work for me Cry
I'm using XP pro with IE6,
Here is what i did:
1 excracted program in to my HD
2 copyed 1 actors.static to folder and opened it with Select a file .
3 Tried to remove lots of stuff
4 pasted new actors.static to map. Opened with FMB. All the objects were there. Besides file was excactly the same size than original
I also tried to click the help button, but it did not work either...or about button.
I will try again with other computer.Maybe it is some IE issue!!


It is intended to work on txt files resulting of extraction of actors.static with Act tool

So the way is :

1/ extract actors.static with Act tool, you'll get some outxxxxx.txt text files, amongst them you have outBuildings.txt in which objects are placed

2/ Start Remove Objects by double-clicking on vbs file and select this outBuildings.txt

3/ Make selection of object and ratio to remove

4/ Click on Remove button to do the job

5/ Results are two files : Buildings_1.txt with objects you don't remove, Buildings_2.txt with objects you removed

6/ Before the end of process, you will be asked if you want to rename Buildings_1.txt into inBuildings.txt so you won't have to do it later... but you can say no and rename later by yourself !

7/ Use Act tool to create the new actors.static (for use of Act tool, I send you to readme file of this tool!)

If, after these explanations, you are not able to use this tool... well, I don't known... what else can I say ?

I will try again! THX!

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