Help with Translation - Dutch to English

[Image: vliegveld.jpg]

I've tried this on Babelfish but it came back as pure Oleg speak.

I want to translate the three categories of airfield type.
I think the eastern airfields are under construction and not ready for operations.

relocations of the airbases during the war days

1 areas (should be read as airfields) made unusable by the dutch already before the raid
2 airfields destroyed or occupied on the first day
3 other airfields. (emergency strips are not shown)

relocation of the airbases on the 10th of May
etc. 11th of May
etc. 13th of May

This concerns the first days of the War for the Dutch (as far as the Dutch were concerned)
Germany "raided" the Netherlands on the 10th of May, 1940.

The war days lasted until the 15th of May 1940 (edit: yep, 15th instead of 14th of May: 20% more of a fight)

OK, here's a non-Olegspeak (I hope) translation:

"Verplaatsing der vliegbases in de oorlogsdagen" means, literally, "Transfer of the air bases in the war days". The "war days" refers to May-10th-15th 1940, the period Holland was actually the scene of fighting. It would, however, be more correct to use "Location" rather than "Transfer".

"Van Nederlandsche zijde reeds voor den overval onbruikbaar gemaakte terreinen" means "Grounds (for which read airfields) made unserviceable by the Dutch before the assault". The word "overval" in its most literal meaning translates to "robbery" or "assault", referring to the German attack on May 10th.

"Door den vijand op den eersten dag vernielde of in bezit genomen vliegvelden" means "airfields destroyed or occupied by the enemy on the first day" i.e. May 10th.

"Overige vliegvelden (noodlandingsterreinen zijn niet opgenomen)" means "Other airfields (emergency landing grounds have not been included)".

"Verplaatsing van de gevechtsbases op 10/11/13 mei" means "Transfer of combat bases on May 10th/11th/13th" i.e. the transfer of the units operating from those bases (what was left of them).

The spelling and grammar are pre-war, which may account for your confusion (or rather Babelfish's).

Soesterberg was actually where military flying started in Holland before WW1- hardly a base under construction! Big Grin

Which airfields exactly do you mean with "Eastern Airfields".

Some of these did not exist at the outbreak of the war, but were constructed during the war by Germans themselves.

Thanks everyone for your replies.

By Eastern Airfields I mean Vucht, Eindhoven, Venlo.
I presume these were under construction. Certainly I believe that was the case with Eindhoven, which was subsequently completed by the Germans.

I intend to start modelling the airfields south of Rotterdam:

Oostvoorne, Waalhaven, Gilze-Rijen, Haamstede, Woensdrecht

Reading comments from GerritJ9, perhaps some of the airfields were made unserviceable by placing obstructions etc, rather than being under construction?? This would make sense of Soesterberg being classed as unserviceable, but I've got no evidence for this. Just guessing.

I have some maps of the airfields above but always keen to collect more info if anyone has got any.

I scanned Hugo Hooftman's Fokker D.XXI and G.1 booklets (both long out of print) some time ago and both contain some pics with parts of Soesterberg, Waalhaven, Schiphol and a few other airfields. Might be useful, so if interested PM me and I'll send them over.

There were and are no airbases in Harskamp, Vucht (Vught) and Oldebroek. Dutch word terrein means terrain and is not necessarely an airbase terrain. Oldebroek was Artillery, Harskamp Infantry and Vught Combat Engineers. There was an German airbase at Vucht in Belgium, but had nothing to do with Dutch town Vught.

Airbase Arnhem was called Airbase Deelen and was expanded by the Germans into 3 runways in typical German "A" shape.
Airbase Twenthe was also expanded by the Germans
Airbase Soesterberg was bombed by the Germans in their attack and never restored and so "out of order" during the war.
Airbase Gilze Rijen was expanded also by Germans to one of Europe's biggest those days.
Airbase Woensdrecht was also expanded by the Germans
Airbase Venlo was also expanded into 3 strip in "A" shape.
Airbase Eindhoven was also given by the Germans the "A" shape with 3 strips.

All these airbases existed allready in a simple form and were all expanded by the Germans. Many of these airbases were also made unusable before and during German invasion to prevent Germans from landing there.

Haamstede and Vlissingen were for teaching schools for pilots and not for combat.

Will get back later for information of Rotterdam airfields.

Waalhaven was destroyed just 4 days before the German bombardment of Rotterdam. It was never restored and so also remained "out of order" during the rest of the war.

Oostvoorne was a small civilian airfield that was used temperarely by the "survivors" of Waalhaven.

My interest is in modelling the airfields as they existed on 10th May 1940.
I am not looking for any details of the later German construction.

I am currently working on Waalhaven, as part of the general scenery of Rotterdam area.
As well as being the scene of air landings by the Luftwaffe this was also subject to attack by RAF bombers on following days, when it was realised that the Germans were there in force.

If you contact me I can help work out some details of the airfields you mention.
I'll have to make some high quality scans and ask around and put the information on the FTP server.

About the symbols:
The first symbol means Demolished airfield. They simply plowed the field and destroyed everything else.
Like statedbefore, Harskamp and Oldebroek were no real airfields, but artillary areas where there was a landingstrip.
But also other airfields were harly more then a field.

Some links (don't hesitate to post there in English, there are quite a few with very good knowledge about may 1940 around there):
Airfield Ruigenhoek ... meer-1839/
Ockenburg ... 39-a-1219/
Screenshots of a FS add-on for Waalhaven ... loot-2883/
Bergen ... rgen-3742/
Ypenburg ... 40-a-4516/
Waalhaven ... haven-559/

i have 'Fliegerhorst Schiphol'by AB.A. Jansen parts 1 2 and 3. i can scan the airfield layputs this weekend if needed. I was working on a 40-44 fliegerhorst schiphol campaign , using the kurland map, but my harddisk crashed :'(

Maybe here I have some useful information about Waalhaven:

Waalhaven as it was/is located at Rotterdam:

[Image: Waalhaven10.jpg]

Building layout from the twenties:
Airstrip was a big grassfield in the lower left corner of 750 meters north-south and 850 meters east-west (where the words make a cross in the lower left corner of the picture).
Number 19 in the water was a lighthouse:

[Image: Waalhaven.jpg]

Buildings layout in early 1940:

[Image: Waalhaven11.GIF]

There was also a harbor for civilian float planes just north of the airfield:
Red: normal land strip
Blue: area reserved for float planes

[Image: Water.jpg]

Hi Asheshouse,

I have also been busy building dutch airfields for the 1:1 BoB map. Feel free to use the material I have collected so far; I made a folder for each airfield:

Our BoB map includes the western airfields up to Schiphol. I have a hard time replicating the airfields accurately. I think I'll go for basic airfields with only a few buildings so the mission builders can add their own stuff...
[Image: MapNetherlands.jpg]


Thanks Serval,

There are a couple of auxiliary airfields (De Zilk, Oostvoorne) that I didn't mention, but I will make flat areas where one can land (so the map can be used for periods after 1940 as well). I didn't know about Bergen though, will look it up!

Is this the spot? ... 7&t=h&z=16

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