Zimbotho Beta Map

Right now I'm busy preparing a beta version of Zimbotho for you guys to fight over, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to display the map you'll be getting. As you can see, its based on a historical setting albeit with some artistic license.

I'm currently testing the airfields and you won't believe how many spitfires I've smashed up in the process Wink


Looks good so far keep up the good work m8 Big Grin

Zimbotho? Historical?
Hmm, let's se...I live next door to where this map (presumably) originates from...
Zimbabwe? Lesotho? I recognise some of the names, but you've been using that artistic license to such a degree that this map could almost be fictional.... Confusedhock: 8)
Nevertheless, it looks like it could be interesting....and I'll always welcome new terrain to fly over, so.....looking foward to it!! Big Grin

Any ETA for the beta map?? I have some ideas for campaigns here

The beta will be out as soon as I sort the major bugs. I've got an acceptable map_F.tga at last (so 'excellent' users can get more than a dusty horizon), three airfields have been rebuilt entirely to improve visuals, and most of the visual glitches are seen to. The new textures are now bump-mapped. What it won't have is a complete road/rail network or fully detailed landscape. Most towns/villages have no objects whatsoever, nor are many of the strategic points of interest present yet.

The purpose of releasing a beta is to obtain feedback from you guys so the finished map will benefit. I'm glad to see you're keen to get going on it, just bear in mind it isn't as 'campaign-ready' as the finished map will be.

Please Caldrail check your PM

I've never been entirely happy with some of the airfields. I've reworked two, which I am now happy with and will retain these layouts from this point forward.

The first is Kasongo Airport

The second is Pieterville Airport.

Texturing advances and is now about half done. Airfields have signal squares where appropriate, which means that side of things iss more or less finished.

Any update?

I've had to down tools for a few days to catch up with my history studies, but thats almost done now. Texturing of the map is about 90-95% complete and model population is underway. French Equatorial Africa has a new airfield (Carnot AB) which is just north of Berberat, included to even things things up for multiplayer sessions. Road links are expanded but still need to penetrate the jungles a little more. Rail links need to be finished although there's not going to be a huge infrastructure, and there won't be any bridges across the Zimbeze.

Other than that, the project is moving along nicely.

Please include Lions, Giraffes, Elephants, and Zebras as ground objects, so we can go on a hunting safari with a Spitfire Big Grin 8)

yes, that's very nice that it conveys the wilderness feeling Big Grin
Quite curious how you'll build the villages to fit such place using the objects we have...

Plenty of room Smile

Just wanted to congratulate you on a map well done, even in the first version it has a very specific and unique feel to the landscape. It is simply different from other maps so far. Not full desert, not fields and woods, but something in between. Very atmospheric, especially in the mountainous regions with all the bare rock outcroppings above wide river valleys.

I also finally noticed that the rivers are suitable for ships. That is a particularly nice touch, something you don't find in other maps where ships can't even come close to shore at all unless in static mode.

This map has the makings of a classic and yet something completely different at the same time. Hats off.

Any update on this one?

Work was interrupted for a while, such is life, but I'm busy populating the map with things the little sim-people can live in before you lot flatten them. I will upload the texture set soon since they're all but finished, just be patient Smile

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