Yeeeh... saw that flying over my house here in FInland lol..
that's a lot of gladiators! good one! :wink:
You think you've got a problem? :lol: :lol:
Twelve problems, actually :lol:
Very hig altitude a very very fast Gladiators :wink:
IHMO the problem is for the Gladiators, rather for their pilots. Flying at 10000m without oxigen equipement
Houston, we have a problem
sounds like Tedashii's song, love it
and a funny pic too!
If I can remember correctly, this wasn't higher than 5000 meters, might have been 5000 or something lower, those gladiators sure nailed me, but I think that each one would have only one pass at me, then they would lose energy and never catch me again.
Oh yes, it is a silver plate.