Bessarabia: Feedback for final version

Hello Map-freaks,

currently I am working on a final version of Bessarabia. If there will be no official 4.09 by February, I will release it as a Mod. So far, so good.

Currently already done:
1) much more objects in romanian villages for denser population
2) many new industrial areas (altogether ca. 30% more objects)
3) nicer airfields (mainly invisible ground plates, more objects around, no start bugs for heavies any more
4) some bridge bugs resolved

What I may do:
a) Less rivers (already WIP)
b) some more villages in the NW-corner between Iasi and Botosani (there was a lot of action in 1944)
c) additional minor objects / dwellings

Now my requests:
** What do you think about the ideas a),b),c) above?
** What else do you guys wish to be improved in the 4.09beta version?

Great news that the map is still being developed.

a) Small rivers are not modelled well by the IL2 engine. Probably better omit them.

b) More villages are always nice to fly over, but a lot of work to make each one look different.

c) Well, I don't know the area but if isolated buildings or groups of trees are a feature of the area then it will add a lot to immersion. The main FPS issues are in large built up areas or industrial areas. These isolated features have little impact on the way the game performs but add a lot of visual interest.

Many users still struggle to run the larger maps with old PC's. It may be useful to release a low density version of the map as well as the high density version.

yogy Wrote:What I may do:
a) Less rivers (already WIP)
b) some more villages in the NW-corner between Iasi and Botosani (there was a lot of action in 1944)
c) additional minor objects / dwellings

Now my requests:
** What do you think about the ideas a),b),c) above?

For a) and b) - I would lean to the more historic accuracy. If this means less rivers/more villages in a certain area then yes, I think that is a good idea.

For c) are you speaking of introducing new 3d oblects into the sim? If yes, then I'm all for it as I'm an objects fanatic. :wink:

Sounds good , though maybe an online version (perhaps the current map) for low end users.

PS any news on the Winter version? I did PM you re textures, but you dropped off the radar for a while.

asheshouse Wrote:Great news that the map is still being developed.

a) Small rivers are not modelled well by the IL2 engine. Probably better omit them.

b) More villages are always nice to fly over, but a lot of work to make each one look different.

c) Well, I don't know the area but if isolated buildings or groups of trees are a feature of the area then it will add a lot to immersion. The main FPS issues are in large built up areas or industrial areas. These isolated features have little impact on the way the game performs but add a lot of visual interest.

Many users still struggle to run the larger maps with old PC's. It may be useful to release a low density version of the map as well as the high density version.


..... ash has covered it pretty much well , from my part its rather hard for me to tell without seeing/trying it . Good thing is ( if this turns to be a mod ) that you can have published as many versions /updates as you like ... no restrictions here . So maybe offer some different versions and give users chance to have one which suites best their systems and taste ....just a thought .

Anyway, many thanks for considering publishing it here at AAA


Well, I've always thought that this map was superlative as it is. The only reason I've held off mission building with it was that I knew that it was going to change for 4.09 (which looks like it may never arrive).

As to the suggestions, I'd personally be against removing rivers (they look very nice as is), though obviously this depends upon the extent etc. Not too bothered about extra villages and objects.

Thanks for all your feedback!

asheshouse Wrote:a) Small rivers are not modelled well by the IL2 engine. Probably better omit them.

b) More villages are always nice to fly over, but a lot of work to make each one look different.

c) Well, I don't know the area but if isolated buildings or groups of trees are a feature of the area then it will add a lot to immersion. The main FPS issues are in large built up areas or industrial areas. These isolated features have little impact on the way the game performs but add a lot of visual interest.

Many users still struggle to run the larger maps with old PC's. It may be useful to release a low density version of the map as well as the high density version.

Rivers: Yes, I will omit the small ones.

Villages: I plan ca. 20 additional ones. The biggest problem is to get them into the map w/o producing errors in the ingame-map or other affcetd files... I have developed an idea on how to do that, but not tested yet :o

Buildings: That's what I thought already.

Low density: No, but I can again do the additional online maps.

Re 3D-models: negative - don't know how to do that.

Re "Winter map": I try to do that also, should not be so much work.

I may post some pics later.

Is it possible to make flat stream 3d objects?

struwwelpeter - yes, I believe fabianfred made some thin stream objects for his Thailand map.

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