Edit BERLIN map to make Me-163 airfield?

Josephs1959 built a wonderful Me163 v. B17 Intercept mission for me a couple years ago. I've tweaked it with new plane skins, etc. and play it regularly.

My only complaint is that the airfield (on the Berlin map) from which the Me163s launch (and land) are concrete.

My references say the landing fields were grass (along side the concrete takeoff runway) with a "White Cross" a 100m or so from each end of the landing way as a target for the plane to land on. On this airstrip, if I try to glide onto the grass areas between the concrete, I crash every time. (Game engine FM default, I think). I can land on the concrete runways, but the look is not accurate, of course.

I have seen films of Me163s taking off from a grass runway as well. So, if the entire field were grass, that would be OK with me.

Below are pictures of the current airfield, one large for location reference (the airfield is not labelled, but circled in RED elipse) and a close up overhead view for configuration. The third picture is a photoshop of what I think the proper field should look like.

My question (request) is... Could someone (please) entertain the small project to change this particular AF to a grass configuration with landing crosses, and assist me with instructions on how to replace the Berlin Map with this new version?

The goal is to load the existing mission (as currently constructed and perfected) over the new map, as revised. I don't care if the new map permanently replaces the default BERLIN map.

[Image: Me163-Green-1.jpg]
[Image: Me163-Green-2.jpg]
[Image: Me163-Green-3.jpg]

I've tried to explain this as best I can. If I am missing something, please let me know.

I forgot to add...

The bf109 screenshot is taken from another thread on this forum on grass airfields. It looks similar to the airfield configuration of the subject airfield on the Berlin map (but it certainly could be from another map). Anyway, if that makes matters simpler, so much the better, as I don't want to make lots of work for anyone.

I can provide a copy of the mission via e-mail, too, if that helps.


... get basic map tools pack

(The link is inoperative)

tools that interests you are Act tool and unlocked FMB , read readme's carefully .

Because Berlin map has too big actors.static file you need to brake it apart and load each part separately in unlocked FMB so you may get actors cutter tool as well .

Again, read readme files carefully


you could as well do it with the tools already available. use one of the test runways that you can place in FMB. an invisible one, marked with crosses or tapes for example can be placed basically anywhere on the map where you have leveled ground. also it is possible to land the 163 on any level grass field.
make sure you aproach around 210km/h and a very flat angle. I find it pretty easy actually to land in the grass area next to the concrete strips.

but other than that, you you indeed have to mod the Map.

vampire_pilot Wrote:you could as well do it with the tools already available. use one of the test runways that you can place in FMB. an invisible one, marked with crosses or tapes for example can be placed basically anywhere on the map where you have leveled ground. also it is possible to land the 163 on any level grass field.
make sure you aproach around 210km/h and a very flat angle. I find it pretty easy actually to land in the grass area next to the concrete strips.

but other than that, you you indeed have to mod the Map.

as i understood , he wants to replace existing runway (concrete) with grass one ..... so map must get modded


Ha! Another project I'd like to undertake - make new maps to include Brandis and Bad Zwischenahn. I've always promised to update my 'Against Overwhelming Odds' Komet campaign, but the only way I'll ever do it now is if there are maps of the relevant areas.
Now, seeing as these maps are roughly number 6 and 7 on my list, and it's taking me forever to get anywhere near finishing No. 1... well, you get the idea.

Brandis would be a corking map for USAAF bombing missions to Merseburg too, if it was large enough.


fly_zo Wrote:
vampire_pilot Wrote:you could as well do it with the tools already available. use one of the test runways that you can place in FMB. an invisible one, marked with crosses or tapes for example can be placed basically anywhere on the map where you have leveled ground. also it is possible to land the 163 on any level grass field.
make sure you aproach around 210km/h and a very flat angle. I find it pretty easy actually to land in the grass area next to the concrete strips.

but other than that, you you indeed have to mod the Map.

as i understood , he wants to replace existing runway (concrete) with grass one ..... so map must get modded

If there were a way to adapt the current airfield without modding the map, that would be fine, as I want to create as little work for someone here as possible. If Vampire_pilot's suggestion would accomplish this without modding the map wholesale, that would be great.

All I really want is the current airfield with the taxiways to either side overlaid with "one of the test runways that you can place in FMB. an invisible one, marked with crosses or tapes ." That would work. If that can be accomplished in FMB, that would be simple, as it would (I think?) not need modification of the default map, but would rather be a parameter of the MISSION, itself. Do I understand this correctly?

I can send someone the mission file for fiddling. As noted earlier, I have tweaked the Me163 fuel levels to the proper 7 1/2 minutes of flight duration, and have built an accurate 24+ plane formation of late war B17s to fly against. Whole mission (take off to landing) lasts about 12-14 minutes. Lots of compact timeframe fun.

dunkelgrun Wrote:Ha! Another project I'd like to undertake - make new maps to include Brandis and Bad Zwischenahn. I've always promised to update my 'Against Overwhelming Odds' Komet campaign, but the only way I'll ever do it now is if there are maps of the relevant areas.
Now, seeing as these maps are roughly number 6 and 7 on my list, and it's taking me forever to get anywhere near finishing No. 1... well, you get the idea.

Brandis would be a corking map for USAAF bombing missions to Merseburg too, if it was large enough.

This would be ideal, but I realize the time it takes, and can't impose... I am just a fair weather skinner who has extensively modified Tchaika's excellent Me163 skins to include the missing leading edge slats... and creating my own red Spate skin. If I were to attempt to break apart the actors.static file as fly_so suggests, I would have to reinstall the game at least 6-7 times to recover my errors before getting it right. LOL!

That said, here is the map (however crude) of Bad Zwischenahn...

[Image: BadZwischenahn.jpg][/img]

vampire_pilot Wrote:...also it is possible to land the 163 on any level grass field.
make sure you aproach around 210km/h and a very flat angle. I find it pretty easy actually to land in the grass area next to the concrete strips.
You are a FAR better pilot than me, sir. Every time I try this (I've discovered the landing speed and glide angle you suggest through numerous trial and error) I always flip the plane, or tear off a wing, or worse. I know any crash landing you can walk away from is good, but I'd like to keep the plane intact for movie making purposes.

I'll practice some more...

I am no great pilot... do it like "mr. Hudson River"... keep the plane even as long as possible, just a little stick play that i find not too hard, once it is too slow to be kepp level with the flaperons it is oky to drop to one bumper under the wing. just like it was (is, actually, there is a glider version rebuilt flying) done in RL. a really flat angle of aproach is a key, do not pull up, trim well, to prevent a bump upwards... this will end in a crash.

fly_zo, since he has no clue about modding I thought a hint at basic FMB would be appreciated, almost everything he wants can done in FMB without digging into modding.

but as said, If he wants he can do so of course. Big Grin
The Leipzig area would be appreciated I am sure.

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