Need help to understand what this lines do.

Hi, can somebody tell me what this lines controls in the cockpit hier.him, this are from the 109e7 cockpit folder, what i'm trying to see is this lines controls the oil splatter size and position in the game, cause i want see if i can improve the animated oil blotch mod, giving correct size to the blotches.

Mesh Z_OilSplats_D1
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -0.31854 0 0.76695
Mesh Z_OilSplatsE4_D1
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -0.31854 0 0.76695

I can't figure out what the numbers means i been reading all kind of post but this ones doesn't look like the numbers in mag hier tutorial.

If anybody could help me on this one

Thx in advance



Yes these numbers are the Transformation Matrix of the oil splatter, so they are dictating its scaling, placement and orientation.

First 9 numbers are a 3x3 matrix for coordinate rotation and scaling:
0 -1 0
0 0 1
-1 0 0

This matrix has the determinant = 1, this means that there is actually no scaling, just rotation.
For better understanding these numbers, please see the Kumpel matrix tool in the Mod Tools section.

The last three numbers are for coordinate translation.
-0.31854 0 0.76695


Here is a sample:
Attaching 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0.83392 0.90524 1.34703
this would be the matrix (4x3) in next form :
[Image: matrix.jpg]

note :
any special objects as reticle isn

THX lads, i'm just interested on scaling, as you may know the game scaling for oil splatter is tricky that the size in some planes is just ridiculous, so i will give a try to that and see what i can change.

What should i change for make the oil splatter bigger or smaller???


RTFM! (tutorial in this case)

To scale it 2x of the original size on all axis:
Attaching 0 -2 0 0 0 2 -2 0 0 -0.31854 0 0.7669

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