[Mod] zip_Islands beta ready for download!

This is a fantasy map designed for dogfight and bombing compaings in a most varied ambience. You are fighting for Redia or Blueja. Your evel opponent tries to conquer the Islands in the middle ocean. There are all the raw materials you need to build planes, ships and guns. So conquer first!

Appearance depends on used DLLs. Update if necessary. There shouldn't be trees in rivers and lakes and the swamp in AF11 should look like this:

Very early northern winter. Houses with unsnowed roofs are badly isolated, tenants will get a very hight coal bill this year (Goverment helps, but only if you earn more than 10 million bugs a year ;-)).

Copper mine and mill at Coppernes (Copper Island). You need a lot of copper and other raw materials.

One of the capital citys. Population is lowered here, so even flying very low with a very good graphic board you will get at least 20 FPS.

Airports are quite simple. No endless taxiways and you allways will know where the runway is.

Train runnung trough the jungle. Trees are autogenerated. Can someone make the trees i little bit more impressive?

Known bugs:
Some auto trees here and there at the roads and around some bridges. Don't know who planted them. Some faulty heights and misplaced objects.

Still missing:
There are no special habour installations and only a few special objects, still don't know if i will changes this. Mission builders also shall have their fun ;-).

Proposals for final version are wellcome.

Download the zip_Islands beta here (44 MB):

http://files.filefront.com/zip+Islandsz ... einfo.html


Attention: Due to an UI1.1 bug missions can't be saved under UI1.1. To solve this you must reinstall the mod hangar2 and the wood plate mod. There is also a save killer bug in the beta objects_visibility mod, if installed you have to disable it temporary.

Used mods:

Mod Fortification
Mod Hangar2
Wooden plate mod
Possibliy some cannon objects (Not shure about this)

Unzip to your ../mods/mapmods/maps folder. There must be a folder "zip_Islands" and in ../mods/mapmods/maps/_Tex/land/summer also must be a folder "zip_Islands", this ist the texture folder. Add the following line to the all.ini in the ../mods/mapmods/maps folder:

zip_Islands zip_Islands/load.ini

CRT2 will not be touched. Winter and desert town textures by Bimmel, many thanks.

It may looking better, if will be more smooth mixing between climate's territories.

This a wonderful idea, having so many different terrain types in one map. This should allow for many types of missions according to one's preferences.

One suggestion for a subsequent version might be to include more variations in terrain height: meaning that the addition of mountainous areas, with Alpine sized elevations and valleys would do a lot to add some more variations and more flavor to the map. Since this is a fictitious map anyway, even Himalayan sized elevations would be great.

I've found that flying in mountains really gives a great feeling of speed and height.

Wonderful idea and very well done. Brilliant, all in one, simple that.

I quite like the look of this 8)

[Image: catpongaq4.gif]

This looks like extreme fun, I agree that flying through mountains is extremely fun, though the AI doesn't seem to agree! :lol:

zipzapp, I've tried it out, and it looks like THE fun map to have!!! Big Grin Big Grin
I gave myself a double dose of modding with your map, flying in a FW189 with the new Ranwers cockpit. :mrgreen:

Anyways, flew all around your map with no FPS issues, but I had a strange occurence in the area of swamp, moving into the trees (great to see a decent forest for a change,BTW)- where the railway line runs through the forest. I had a total freezeup of the game. Tried it twice, and it happened twice in the same area. Basically had to end IL2 through task manager - not responding.
This is NOT necessarily your map, as I said, also trying the new Fw189 cockpit, besides which I've started having some weird things happen on my PC. My Fraps went for a loop the other day, and I've started having an issue with IL2 that gives me a loading 15% CTD every time I make any change to any ini file. Only a reboot sorts it out, so I think its more a system issue, but I thought I'd let you know anyway.
Until the crash point, the map ran smooth as can be, even over the more populated areas.
I can highly recommend this map to anyone...it has a little bit of everything!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin


where can i get the. wooden plate mod? and i should reinstall hangar mod 2?

Mountains: Map is to small, i'm afraid, hight mountains with deep vallys would look unorganic and artificial. Enough place woult be only at the western and eastern outskirts of the map, but there they would have no meaning. Possible woud be of course a fun map with labyrintic structures like this:

Tree crash: I had this once when in tried a nearly black tree.tga to generate as much trees as possible (actuall tree.tgas are far away from that). Could you try if this happens every time when you fly very low over the jungle and look at the trees to the left or right (So you see a lot of trees)? May be it's a graphic board overload, but i don't know the limits. Do you use a board with 256 MB or less? May be IL46 needs the strongest rigs available :-)

Wooden plate: It's part of the hangar mod2, also it's installed separatly. In the UI1.1. a lot of objects are not referenced (wooden plate objects only missed in the static.ini). Map will start also under UI1.1, but missions are only saveble if all hanger mod2 objects are installed properly.

zipzapp, i'm using a GeForce 9800 with 512 RAM, 2GB system RAM, AMD 5200 DualCore, so spec-wise, I think i'm alright. It DID happen both times in the tree area, at treetop height, but I'm still testing. On the last attempt all went fine, though, so I'm pretty certain I have another issue... Sad
I must say again that I'm really impressed with the tree area, though! :lol:
I wish all the maps could have this realistic 3D forest, rather than that freaky layered stuff which is invisible at low level flight!! Heck knows how many times I've crashed into a damn invisible forest while scaring the farm animals... :mrgreen:

Hm. That should be really good enough. No idea at the moment. Let's wait if there are more reports like that.

Bug report: Sector AL 25, the coastal city has a floating railway station a few hundred metres out to sea.

Can't save the missions on this map. Looks cool, a real shame I can't save the missions Sad

Bump, please

RealDarko, have you looked at the bottom of the first post, to make sure you have all the mods needed?
I'm still on UI1.0, so maybe i can try to help if you have the same version UI... Smile

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