New map mods - new theatres

Hi, I would like to suggest some new maps to be created. I would definately find some use for these:

Fortunately some of them have already been created.

Southern France and Corsica (Italian operations against France in 1940, Operation Dragoon, the Lliberation of Corsica in 1943)

Madagascar (Vichy campaign in 1942) - OK

Syria and Lebanon (Vichy campaign 1941)

Iraq - Habbaniya (Iraqi uprising of 1941) (Maybe one map - Iraq, Lebanon and Syria)

Iran - (A brief conflict in 1941, when the RAF and VVS swept out the Iranian airforce from the sky)

Aleutian isles (Japanese invasion in 1942 - Attu, Agattu, Kiska islands) - OK

Gran Chaco (Bolivia-Paraguay, the Gran Chaco war in 1932-35.) - OK

Sweden (one campaign for neutrality defenders)

Central Europe (Czechoslovakia, Poland, Austria)

Iceland and Greenland (some antishipping campaigns, maybe?)

Belarussia (German - Soviet operations in the area, Slovak anti-partisan campaign)

Senegal (Vichy campaign in 1940) - OK

Gibraltar (Vichy campaign in 1940)

Japan with the Kuril isles (Soviet campaign in 1945) - OK

Romania (larger than Iasi map)

Great Britain (not the Channel, but Middle England, Scotland, Ireland - the areas that haven't been covered yet)

Maybe, it wouldn't be so hard to create some desert maps [Syria+Lebanon, Iraq, Iran] and the Aleutians. I would give them a try, but I am too busy making campaigns. :wink:

Could you wait until next week for these. I'm a bit busy this weekend.

I would be glad if someone could ever create ANY of these, no matter when it is released Big Grin

thank you for the suggestions. Some of the areas you mentioned are being worked on. It won't be worth it to a map maker to spend 6 months of his life making an area that only had a 1 day battle on it (ahem..Hawaii). The areas that saw the most action over a longer period of time usualy are towards the top of the "to do" list.

Thrud Wrote:thank you for the suggestions. Some of the areas you mentioned are being worked on.

Really? Which ones? :lol:

How about a long awaited Spain map for a Spanish Civil War scenario? Talk about having a long war ... this is obviously one those conflicts.

I would say that War started in 39 from invasion in Poland and it would be great if someone skilled could create a descent Map of Poland. Not to mention all the thankfull polish pilots wanting to fight for their country over their country.

Im not speaking for myself becouse im like a polish japaneese Smile but even i would like to see some familiar towns.


If we consider that World War 2 began in 1931 in Manchuria, and finishes with the rendition of Japan, we can say that the most needed map is China !!! well... some areas at least, such as Shanghai, Guangdong (Hong-Kong...), Kunming, Changsha area and Hunan (4 big battles only for the city of Changsha !!!)...

Avoir la foi, c'est être plus sûr d'une chose que la raison ne le permet.

Ah, how could I forget China... Thanks Gaston for reminding. It would be great to have a map of China as there are many Chinese and Manchukuan skins available.

I'm messing around with an "Army Group Centre" map to include eastern Belarus, Smolensk and Bryansk. I don't expect to finish it anytime soon. I'm learning as I go.

asheshouse Wrote:Could you wait until next week for these. I'm a bit busy this weekend.

What! You don't have time this weekend for just some extra maps???? Confusedhock: What happened???? :wink:

And not to forget NORWAY.
We had 2 sub bases here where the germans sendt theire subs in to the north atlantic to stopp allied shipping between usa and great brittan but also between GB and russia.
Also here was the place where hitler was trying to get hes first reach on the atom bomb with heavy water from rukan.
Why both the sub bases at Bergen and Trondheim is forgotten on the existing Norway map is a good question .

I'll vote for the central Europe map which could possibly cover the area west of the current Sovakia map including Poland, Bohemia, Moravia, Austria.
And for a China map (southwestern/central/southern) to include the areas for the Flying Tigers and 14th Air Force operations.
But there's no rush. I'll have my hands full with the new Burma maps when they get done.

I'd like to thank all the map makers and the AAA community, and of course Oleg and UBI for making all this possible.
New maps will keep this sim alive for many years to come.

Do you know there's already a Japan map of Hokkaido with the Kuriles and Sakhalin?

RealDarko Wrote:Do you know there's already a Japan map of Hokkaido with the Kuriles and Sakhalin?

Yes, it's a good map too and quite usable for a campaign there. And also for an alternate history Invasion of Hokkaido campaign by the USSR. (They were just about to do this when the US dropped the atomic bomb!)

I d/led it a few weeks ago and flew around.

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