Adding New MAPS to DCG

Is there a way to add the new maps from UI 1.1 to the DCG?

I have DCG v3.40

BAD_GRANT Wrote:Is there a way to add the new maps from UI 1.1 to the DCG?

I have DCG v3.40

yes, there is a way. it's not hard at all...but it's not so clear cut as you might think either. DCG does not use the maps like IL2 other words, it dosen't have the map as part of the hardcoded inner mechanics that make the game run. rather it calls a map used by IL2 up so that it can create a mission (campaign or otherwise) and actually draws the misson much like you would do it if you were creating a mission in the game's Full Mission Builder.

therefore DCG does not actually need the map to work...only it needs the map or maps to draw the mission for you to use "once" the game is up and running and you are in campaign or mission mode.

i may not be clear here...but it's the best way i know to describe it.

so... in short, ANY map that IL2 can use, DCG can ALSO use to create missions with.

the actual physical map files do not have to be added to DCG per say, they only need to be IN THE GAME (installed in IL2) and ready for DCG to use when it needs to draw the mission or missions/campaigns up. DCG uses "other" files to help it find the game map or maps, and lay out everything it needs for a mission or missions. in other words, it needs to know what map you are trying to draw a mission on, and it needs to know what you want in that mission that it will draw once you tell it which which squadrons, which planes, what static objects, etc, etc. those sorts of informative files are inside the DCG Data and Master files and can be accessed by notepad. though care is needed to prevent damaging stock campaigns and or screwing up the program itself.

various files inside DCG help it find the right map and then draw up your intended mission...then when you run the game, IL2 itself will load the needed map and start the mission for you to play.

so CAN use the new maps in DCG...but not merely by adding them to DCG itself. they have to be part of a campaign or mission ALREADY started with the needed files that tell DCG WHICH map (any map, old OR new) that it is supposed to draw a mission or missions on.

in other words, the best way for DCG to use the new maps is by having (or creating) a NEW campaign that calls for and USES the new maps inside IL2. you may already know how to create a DCG campaign...if so, then even if you don't know it, you'll already know how to use the new maps in DCG. it's just part of the normal campaign building procedure just like building a campaign using the old, stock maps were. nothing different really. but if you don't know how to build a campaign for DCG, then you'll need to learn how. see this thread for tons of helpful information on doing just that.


or...if you don't want to learn how to make your own campaigns, you'll need to use the NEW map campaigns built by other folk. there are other ways to use the new maps in DCG, but the above is the only way "i" can describe it to you where it would make any sense. i'm not a

anyway...if you decide to make your own campaigns with the new maps...many of us (see the thread already posted) will be more than happy to help you out with it.

hope some small bit of this was helpful in some way.

good luck.


Beowulf did a very good job explaining, but I explain it from a different perspective. his is not wrong persay, mine is just a little different. On top of everything above ...

Yes, you can put ANY map into DCG to have a campaign. DCG does need a .mis file of the map, however. This does two things: 1) DCG has a reference of the map. 2) What is in that file are all of the units and objects that are going to be on the map. Any and all tanks, planes, ships, static bunkers or beachheads that are made along with populating factories with objects and so forth. From that template DCG will create missions based on the parameters you set up in the DCG program. BUT ... it will only use what is in the template to make a campaign.

There are alot of DCG file that need to be made, but they are not difficult to understand. Adding a map from scratch is quite some work, but not as bad as adding a new plane. Aside from the steep learning curve ...

The basics of adding a new map need the following files:

NewMap.mis (Found in master folder. This is the template with all units)

And additions into the following files to select them from game menu:


If you are interested in making a campaign, check out my guide to DCG. It covers everything from installing to tweaking all parameters to making a scratch campaign. It is a sticky in the map discussion forum.

Here is a link:

I've downloaded a campaign someone made and would like to try and have DCG use it but after reading a bit I still can't figure out how to do so. I've started the campaign and flew a mission and then exited. I then start up DCG and it says no active campaign, please select one. So I browse to the campaign folder but there is no squadron to select. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

Avatar Wrote:I've downloaded a campaign someone made and would like to try and have DCG use it but after reading a bit I still can't figure out how to do so. I've started the campaign and flew a mission and then exited. I then start up DCG and it says no active campaign, please select one. So I browse to the campaign folder but there is no squadron to select. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

don't rightly know. which campaign is it? some campaigns are installed and used differently from others, but if it's a regular type 3rd party campaign, this is how you do it. for it all to work correctly, DCG has to get all the information it you have to get the ball rolling right from the get go.

a normal or regular 3rd party campaign will usually have everything it needs in it's own folder...say for example, NEW CAMPAIGN is its fictional folder name. just drop that entire NEW folder right into your DCG main folder... then, open that NEW CAMPAIGN folder up and find the DGEN folder inside it, open that, and find the campaign (whatever name..example campaignUS.dat) dat file and the squadron (again whatever name, example squadronUS.dat) dat file and copy them. then go from there to your IL21946 folder, find the game's DGEN folder and paste those files right inside it.

next, go to the DCG icon and start DCG up. it may say (this first time) that there is no active campaign...that's okay the first time...we're fixing to fix that. Big Grin
make sure that DCG knows where your IL21946 exe file is if you haven't already done that. THEN... under "files" there in the DCG interface, check the THIRD PARTY CAMPAIGN option. it should open a search box for you to find that third party campaign. it will be looking for the third party's "ALLCAMPAIGNS.dcg" file. ---not the squadron file. once you find the NEW CAMPAIGN'S (or whatever name it is) allcampaigns.dcg it. that's it. close out of DCG.

at this point you should be able to go into IL21946 and go into your dynamic campaign section, select the nationality of the campaign's flyers, set the campaign flight profiles, find the NEW CAMPAIGN listed at the top... (whatever name it is) start it and let it load it's first mission.

before you fly your first mission, you can exit IL2, open or start DCG exe and it shouldn't say ANYTHING about no campaign being active. it should just start right up with NO messages at all, and let you open the squadron editor, the waypoint editor, the campaign editor...whatever you want. then you can make any changes you need to (if you want to make any)...and if you do make changes, then click on CREATE A NEW MISSON...let it tell you the mission was created...then exit DCG, go back in the game, load up the campaign...and fly.

that should be it...unless the time comes that you want to make "more" changes to DCG's mission style.

making sure that DCG knows WHERE the third party campaign folder and the third party's allcampaign file is is VERY important. without that, it will not know what to do.

there are several "other" ways to get your campaign to, by using the DCG "wizard" and such...and other ways, including directly putting the campaign inside DCG's files...but those are not the easiest ways. the way i have described above is (to me) the quickest and easiest way to get your campaign to run properly the very first try.

let me know if that helps. we'll get you up and running whatever it takes.


Beowolff, thanks for your reply! Sorry about not giving more helpful info with my question. The campaign is called "Camel Pond" and is a bomber campaign on the ItalyAfricaGreece map. It has its own folder but for whatever reason DCG doesn't see it. I'm assuming it's because it's a mod map.

When I started DCG I got the message you mentioned and looked to make sure teh Optional 3rd Party Data Folder was checked and it was. So I just now unchecked it and then rechecked it to get the search window you mentioned and pointed it to the folder. There is no ALLCAMPAIGNS.dcg file as it's not a DCG campaign, I was under the impression that I could use existing campaigns in progress and have DCG take over. Bad assumption on my part, huh. Smile So I take it I'm SOL on this one?

Thanks again for your lengthy and informative reply!

Avatar Wrote:Beowolff, thanks for your reply! Sorry about not giving more helpful info with my question. The campaign is called "Camel Pond" and is a bomber campaign on the ItalyAfricaGreece map. It has its own folder but for whatever reason DCG doesn't see it. I'm assuming it's because it's a mod map.

When I started DCG I got the message you mentioned and looked to make sure teh Optional 3rd Party Data Folder was checked and it was. So I just now unchecked it and then rechecked it to get the search window you mentioned and pointed it to the folder. There is no ALLCAMPAIGNS.dcg file as it's not a DCG campaign, I was under the impression that I could use existing campaigns in progress and have DCG take over. Bad assumption on my part, huh. Smile So I take it I'm SOL on this one?

Thanks again for your lengthy and informative reply!

ok...i did not know it was "not" an actual DCG campaign. yeah, according to what Paul told me once, DCG is capable of generating missions for non-DCG campaigns, but it takes some fooling around with and the results are very poor and iffy. far as i know, to make it work correctly, it would have to be "converted" to an actual DCG campaign type...with the needed rds/srd/allcampaign etc, etc ...files made for it. it can be done, and probably quite easily...but would require some large amount of work to do. i'd do it for you, but at the present have too many irons in the fire as it is.

it's not the mod map that's keeping you from playing the campaign with DCG...DCG doesn't care about the map. it's just that without the above mentioned files, DCG does not know WHERE the map is or what you're wanting to do with it. thus it would have to be converted to something DCG would know what to look for.

sorry, but unless someone else knows better, you'll just have to use "that" non-DCG campaign the regular ole IL2 way. Cry

however, you've got a good grasp of how DCG works and can find some good ones ready to go...with many more on the way soon. my own "Atolls" campaign should be out by the end of the week (fingers crossed.) and i'll send you a PM as soon as it's ready.

that work for ya?

Big Grin

Beowolff Wrote:ok...i did not know it was "not" an actual DCG campaign.

Again, sorry for not providing more info on the initial post... :oops:

Quote:yeah, according to what Paul told me once, DCG is capable of generating missions for non-DCG campaigns, but it takes some fooling around with and the results are very poor and iffy. far as i know, to make it work correctly, it would have to be "converted" to an actual DCG campaign type...with the needed rds/srd/allcampaign etc, etc ...files made for it. it can be done, and probably quite easily...but would require some large amount of work to do. i'd do it for you, but at the present have too many irons in the fire as it is.

This is where I'm in way over my head, not to mention the lack of time... I appreciate the offer but wouldn't want to hassle you that much. Smile

Quote:it's not the mod map that's keeping you from playing the campaign with DCG...DCG doesn't care about the map. it's just that without the above mentioned files, DCG does not know WHERE the map is or what you're wanting to do with it. thus it would have to be converted to something DCG would know what to look for.

sorry, but unless someone else knows better, you'll just have to use "that" non-DCG campaign the regular ole IL2 way. Cry

That's what I thought.

Quote:however, you've got a good grasp of how DCG works and can find some good ones ready to go...with many more on the way soon. my own "Atolls" campaign should be out by the end of the week (fingers crossed.) and i'll send you a PM as soon as it's ready.

that work for ya? Big Grin

Works quite well and I'm looking forward to it! Thanks!!

Hey, thought of another quick question while I have your ear... Wink A gentleman, and I forgot his name, created a different version of the Pacific Islands map where the distances between the islands was increase for longer transit times and to allow planes to gain altitude. Is there a "simple" way you know of to get IL-2, whether that be with DGen or even DCG, to use his version, called HB_PacificIslands, instead of the game's default Pacific Islands map? Thanks again for your replies and help, Beowolff.

i remember reading about that modded map somewhere (probably here) but i don't have it. i don't even know where it's available...maybe here...dunno. i can't say for sure about the stock DGEN, but as far as "i" know, if the map is made properly and installed correctly DGEN "should" run it fine, but then again just like with DCG somebody would have to "create" the DGEN campaign for it. i am "sure" however that DCG could use that map...again if it is a good map and installed properly in IL2. but as said above about DGEN, somebody would have to "make" a campaign that would use it to draw the DCG mission with.

there is some confusion from a lot of folks about how DCG uses the game's maps. DCG does not use the map like the game (the map) does not have to be part of DCG's internal workings like it does for the game. rather DCG only uses the game's maps to DRAW out the missions (as they are generated) much like you yourself would draw it out inside the game's full mission builder. :wink:

DCG only needs something (the campaign files that somebody creates) to point it in the right direction (which game map the campaign is calling for) and provide it with the other things (roads, ship routes, ground units, planes, static objects, etc...) that is needful for it to generate a nice mission when called to do so. so if the map works okay inside the game itself...and somebody "instructs" DCG where to look for that map (by building the campaign files) then DCG will always be able to use that map.

hope that helped ya...

Big Grin

Yes, it did help me to understand things a bit better. I guess I was hoping, in my own naive way, that because the only difference bwtween the two above mentioned PacificIslands maps was the distance between the isalnds it might be a lot easier to just change names or something like that in order for Dgen to see/use it instead of the stock one but that's obviously not the case! Thanks again for your replies, it's been enlightening, if not just a little depressing. Wink

Guys maybe this has been discussed.I will ask anyway.Is there anyone out there who has modified DCG for the new maps?And if so, can we just download the file and put it in DCG?Or is it not that simple.Thanks

please read ALL of the above posts on this subject... but to simplify...DCG does NOT need to be modified to use the new maps. it isn't simply add the maps and then it works. DCG only uses the maps to draw the missions...pretty well exactly how YOU would do it in the full mission builder yourself if you were creating a mission. DCG will use ANY map YOU tell it to...and you tell it how by MAKING a campaign for it. thus the creation of a campaign is the only way DCG will know "which" map (old or new) to use in building a mission.

the posts above this one will go into more depth on the in's and out's of what's needed, plus the link that was provided.

there are several of us working to create new DCG campaigns that call up the new maps, but it's long and arduous work...takes a good while. i've been a solid month building one and am just now putting the finishing touchs on it. ---and it's fairly small! Confusedhock: a road system has to be built for the vehicles to run on, sea routes for the ships to sail, patrol boxes for carriers, static objects put in place for DCG to use, squadrons to research and put in for DCG to use, a working mission master file has to be created, airfields have to be created or linked to, etc, etc, etc. takes a good spell to make anything quicker than a take off and land.

then on top of all of has to ALL be made to run together in a way that functions properly and makes sense to the campaign...and that right there is one tough mother to do properly.

usually, changing one small thing to make it work right will change "something" else to work you have to keep fooling with it until it ALL goes pretty well right. and that is a major chore. especially when you factor in human error (that we all do.) and the bigger and more complicated the campaign, the harder ALL of that is.


i truly think i could work on my campaign for a year and not get it exactly like i originally wanted it to turn out. but it's about close enough for cigars and i need to stop fooling with it and just let it be if i can just reach a point where everything is C_L_O_S_E. otherwise, i'll grow old doing this thing.


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