
Hi all,

If Joe doesn't object, I'd like to submit a modified version of his BETA CHANNEL map (waiting for the def. one :wink: )

Two files were modified :

1-Map_T file to change this :

[Image: channel-new01.jpg]
Band effect at the borders of the map

[Image: channel-new02.jpg]
Band effect at the borders of the map

[Image: channel-new04.jpg]
Fields effect reduced on some airfields

[Image: channel-new05.jpg]
No more trees on sea if you try to use others texs (as Compans ones for example)

2- Map_H file to smooth heights at the borders of the maps

[Image: channel-new03.jpg]

FILE TO download :


BACKUP your CAN_40_load.ini FILE
JUST UNZIP in your mapmods/maps/Can_Channel/.. folder.

To revert to previous state, in your CAN_40_load.ini file :

ColorMap = map_c.tga
// HeightMap = CAN_40_map_h.tga
HeightMap = CAN_spring_map_h.tga
SmallMap = map_M.tga
// TypeMap = CAN_40_map_T.tga
TypeMap = CAN_spring_map_T.tga
FarMap = CAN_40_map_F.tga
ReflMap = map_R.tga

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to delete repeating water pieces outside the map because I can't work map_c.tga file :roll:

Hope it may be useful ? :wink:

EDIT : please download & install it again if you downloaded it BEFORE THIS MOMENT (I had to fix a little error)

I've just dropped the 2 tga's in the folder, and copied the MAP section in my pretty much modified and custom load.ini (I'm using plenty of new textures), and it works! A great improvement, I'm sur Joe won't mind, thank you very much for your efforts! Smile

Cool, thanks for making a few improvements to the beta that I had no time (or intention) to fix - they should make the beta more enjoyable until the final release.

A little note though regarding the fields on airfields - I did that on purpose because some airfields were camoflaged with field patterns, or didn't clear the fields.

Anyway, good fixes Smile

Wow!,, but if only one or a few people person uses this (until everyone has it.. hopefully in final version.) will it stop people from flying online together ?. Must everyone use this together... will it cause errors if only some people use it and others do not in multiplayer server?

Quote:will it cause errors if only some people use it and others do not in multiplayer server?

Not really ... EXCEPT ON THE BORDERS OF THE MAP : as I lowered terrain on the borders, you may disappear under the landscape only if you fly very low at these places if the server has not this mod installed ... I suppose ? (difficult to test)

Delete only THIS if you encounter problems online :

ColorMap = map_c.tga
// HeightMap = CAN_40_map_h.tga
HeightMap = CAN_spring_map_h.tga


On the subject of modifications, I've made some changes to the static.ini and replaced the old radar for the new UI1.1 Chain Home types. Would it be ok to share these here too?

Hello Gilb57,

Could you also modify the objects used on this map, so that the default Konstadt plate on the Gulf of Finland map be visible again, and that CanonUK's map uses a separate, invisible plate with a different name in the static.ini (and not a stock object name)? I guess it requires modification of actors_static file, but I don't know how to do it. Fabianfred mentioned this problem on the original CanonUK thread for this map, and Zuti posted an editor for the actors_static recently.

Bee Wrote:On the subject of modifications, I've made some changes to the static.ini and replaced the old radar for the new UI1.1 Chain Home types. Would it be ok to share these here too?

Yeah, sure Smile

Quote:but I don't know how to do it

Sorry : the same for me Sad

Now, as the "water-trees" are gone, this map looks EVEN BETTER with some new texs as Compans ones :

[Image: channel-new06.jpg]

[Image: channel-new07.jpg]

Low alt :
[Image: channel-new08.jpg]

It seems to me like spring season as Canon's one looks more like summer...

Here's the updated radar. Thanks Canon! :wink:

Download either the UI1.1 version or the non UI version, based on what you are using. Don't forget to backup your old actors_40.static first!

[Image: ChainH.jpg]

UI 1.1 friendly: ... einfo.html

NON UI: ... einfo.html

Nice radar!!!

They are great !!!

I must have done something wrong as I now have no radar at all! I'm using UI1.11 and installed the appropriate actors_40.static file and nothing. I flew all along the coast and didn't see a one. Anyone have any ideas what got messed up? Thanks.

The new Radar are the ones in the objects file?? right? You must add them in FMB? After I downloaded the new files and installed them, I found some radar in in the objects file and added those radar towers to the Bob map..

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