Map Misery - its doing my head in...

Hi gents

Well, my map woes are increasing exponentially each time i fire up the game. this is happening after no recent changes. a fe days ago, i posted with a weird problem of not being able to save on my Normandy maps - even those using different load.ini's. Out of the roughly 7 or 8 normandy maps i have, only one is currently working. the others will load in FMB, but will not allow me to save. In pursuit of fixing this problem, i suddenly started getting a 70% CTD using the map-mode bldconf. I've been using different bldconfs and conf's, but the result is the same: 70% CTD trying to load map mode.
Okay, it gets worse. Today, i thought i'd go through my maps and find any other problems, so that i know what i'm dealing with. so, i started the long process of saving a mission on each map to see what's going on.
first alarms: 90% of previously built missions can load, but now are not playable any more because the mission doesn't save. If I load a previously built mission, i also notice that the flight/AC that has the 'Player' assigned to it, is now not selected as Player.
So far, 90% of my maps have the same issue: I CAN"T SAVE ANY MISSIONS, and can't play previously set up missions!
I'm pretty sure this is related to the 70% CTD in map mode, but can't find the culprit file. If its not bldconf or conf, what could it be?
Of my working maps, so far there are only a few, and they are all newer ones: KTO, Aleutians, Grand Canyon - these work fine. All my older(defaul?t) maps like Berlin, Ardennes, Balaton, Normandy, etc...can't save on pretty much all of them....?

I suspect, among others, possibly a corrupt exe...feck, actually, i don't know could be anything...
I'm stuck.... :roll:

Holy sh!t :lol:
I am beginning to feel sorry for you bigbossmalone Big Grin
Looks like you have some continuous nightmares with game install .
I wish everything wil get back to normal as soon as possible so you
can focus on flying missions one after another with ground and pound
rather than solving issues one after another Big Grin

Stay strong ! we shall prevail !!

HG & P Tongue

Thanks mate - yes, i'm feeling a bit 'strained' to say the least - in my pursuit of making my game just perfect, things like this come along and totally bollocks it all up. It looks to me like I'm going to have to do a reinstall. That'll be the 4th time this year. I might actually just give it a break for a while. I need to preserve my sanity. :wink:
It would be great if i could just spend one entire weekend without something going wrong with the game. What makes it really frustrating is that this is not the result of some mod i installed - this literally happened overnight.....
Right, i'm going off for a stiff drink... 8)

Do you use the version switcher in the UI game or do you have multibul install of your game?
We use a Mod'ed Mod of the UI game for our online flying and it has all the old and new maps in it for the most part no problem but of late some around the world at getting a loading stopping at 90% in the online game on some maps like KTO and Normandy1 and 2 and I am starting to think some of the old part of our game maps are not liking the new maps or viceversa

don't you keep any backup copies of the il2 folder on other drives?
or not use system restore?

I'd love to give you a thumbdrive with my whole il2 folder in see if it worked for you :?

fred, yes, i have backups - in fact, the version i am using now is a backup of my version that went corrupt (whole HDD :evil: ) last month. I now have a new install, on a new drive, and was working fine with my maps until the weekend - then suddenly everything went pear-shaped.
literally, from saving my work in the evening - everything fine - to firing up the next day, only to be confronted with this mess.
i'll try my backup copy - (i've tried sys restore - it changed nothing) - hopefully that'll work. still, i like to know why/what happened.
frustrating. :?

BigBossMalone !
Just for my curiosity, what version are you using 4.08 or 4.09b, or do you switch ??, me being chicken, i'm still only 4.08m :oops:
Happy Landings

ColaBen - i'm on 409b1m, and i don't switch. i use that version always, and never switch. 8)
I am running seperate 2 versions of the game - one AAA-mods only - this is the one that is now giving me the problems - and another that has other mods - that one still works for the most part, but still gives me the same errors on some of the maps, but not as severely as my UI version...

I experienced 70% crash when I tried to use a static.ini kindly provided
by another AAA member in order to solve my map problems.
Searching what went wrong, I found that there were map objects listed in this static.ini
of a mod I hadn't (Objects_cal), and other that I had (infantry mod) were not listed
in the same order. And Il2 crashed.
So, I re-downloaded the entire UI 1.1, unzipped in a temporary folder, took the whole standard MAPMODS folder and replaced my old one, replaced also my troubling static.ini with the clean and standard UI1.1 one, deleted* in my MODS folder all mods involving objects not included in UI1.1 and then reinstalled one by one*[color=red]

[quote="axal"]I experienced 70% crash when I tried to use a static.ini kindly provided
by another AAA member in order to solve my map problems.
Searching what went wrong, I found that there were map objects listed in this static.ini
of a mod I hadn't (Objects_cal), and other that I had (infantry mod) were not listed
in the same order. And Il2 crashed.
So, I re-downloaded the entire UI 1.1, unzipped in a temporary folder, took the whole standard MAPMODS folder and replaced my old one, replaced also my troubling static.ini with the clean and standard UI1.1 one, deleted* in my MODS folder all mods involving objects not included in UI1.1 and then reinstalled one by one*[color=red]

Here's what has worked for me...several times ( I've had a lot of problems because of my own ineptutute...) Save whatever you know that works & start over again...I know I know PITA...but sometimes in order to sleep at night I've just had to bite the bullet(again several times ...) and begin at square one. My problems are usually self induced & probably in some little file like ststic.ini. or occasionally wrong buttons, but for me they are imposssible to track down & correct...So i take the poison pill. I still have the ocassional map problem or mission failure( god knows whay-still can't get Aleution map up & running..I'll bet its a problem in static.ini tho!!!) but I take that with a grain of salt.


don't know but this might help. I couldn't save or open missions on the Lower Burma map until I changed to the structure MODS/ObjectsMap/3do/airfield, arms, Buildings, Cars, flora, humans, Rocketry, ships, SPG, Tanks, Trains, Tree

As a mapmaker, i have suffered about conflicts between mods/ several times. If came crashes all the time is best to reinstall.
Here is what i did:
After reinstall vanilla AAA UI 1.1 ( That works 100%)
Copy \Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\files and \Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS and backup those (paste to safe place). Now you can always go back to vanilla version, if something goes wrong. Messing with ststic.ini and other files is a bit difficult, because if you make a small error like typo (even 1 letter is missing), IL2 can't find the path to certain texture/object. It is a real PITA, when trying to find those errors.
So make backups of last working versions. That helped me.
1 thing more. You find original static.ini aswell files and mods folder, if you exctract AAA UI to yor HDD different location than IL2. I have 2 different versions of game. 1 for testing new mods and stuff and another for making maps with only minimum amount of mods included.
I hope that this helps

Dietz Wrote:Here's what has worked for me...several times ( I've had a lot of problems because of my own ineptutute...) Save whatever you know that works & start over again...I know I know PITA...but sometimes in order to sleep at night I've just had to bite the bullet(again several times ...) and begin at square one. My problems are usually self induced & probably in some little file like ststic.ini. or occasionally wrong buttons, but for me they are imposssible to track down & correct...So i take the poison pill. I still have the ocassional map problem or mission failure( god knows whay-still can't get Aleution map up & running..I'll bet its a problem in static.ini tho!!!) but I take that with a grain of salt.
+1 LOl! That usually helps!

Thanks for all the replies, chaps.
i've still made no progress. Sad
i also have 2 versions of the game, plus 2 BACKUPS of EACH of those, so i'm backed up to the hilt.
Now, my other version gives no problems, but i've also not used it for map-making version.
My primary version, the AAA-mods only version, that i use to switch between map-making and normal, is the one thats giving me the errors, and the 70% CTD on map-making version.
For the most recent example:
I d/l'd agraciers new 3 map pack: Dakar, Madagascar and Mozambique.
Al installed perfectly, all show up in FMB, all load in FMB. However, the only map i can save missions on, is the Dakar one! And this should be the most problematic, i would think, because it uses new egypt objects. one would think. but this map works perfectly for me, i can build and save missions, no worries.
As far as the other maps go, these apparently only use default objects? Anyway, these maps do NOT allow me to save missions!?!?
So, it looks to me like a default object problem? I still suspect a corrupted file somewhere....
I did manage to get fly_zo's BOB_Normandy map working, and i can save missions. Only thing is the map looks freaky - where fly_zo had his "England" at the top of the map, there was no land at all. If I fly on it, however, I'm flying over London and surrounds that are floating on the ocean?
I had to check to make sure that it WAS coffee that i was drinking... 8) :wink:
And another thing, the 2 map folders in my 2 versions are the same, barring one or t2 of the most recent maps. I've compared the folders, and sub-folders, painstakingly over several hours, and cannot find any obvious differences.
Now, you might say, well just copy that one over and try it. Good point. I tried that, and still get the 70% CTD on going into map-mode. And i can't find ANY differences in the 2 relevant bldconf files.
However, i have built up a bit of a reputation ove rthe years, as a bit of a problem-solver, with PC issues. I am not ready to concede defeat yet, after all, it's just a bunch of 1's and 0's, and i'm not gonna let them get the better of me.... Big Grin ...yet.... 8)

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