[Download]African tanks-destroyers Campaign

[color=green]I placed online in the site

Big Grin Big Grin The team of Mission4Today give me the validation now. You can download the campaign without Italian desert infrantry mod, sorry for this, but with permission of Delvpier I will try to put them in this mod in the next future. :wink:

Can you please host a mirror some where else as I allways heve issues with that web site... 404 error, not responding exct. exct. :???:

Now the mirror is OK, try anotherway with Mission4Today. At worse you have to log in.

Downloading now,thanks for sharing Smile

In game shots look good. I will have to download this one. Thanks

I have placed the campaign with the mod German, British and Italian desert uniforms at rapidshare:http://rapidshare.com/files/274348346/Hu...royers.zip
for a more complete decoration of the scenery. The download is a little slow but with the AI plane desert texture that I have put at the link:
the realism is fairly complete.

Thanks!!! I started this campagn, but the 2nd mission crashed the game, not loading at FMB and saying something like "fail JV load in all.ini " :???:

Sad I'm sorry for your problem, it seems that the whole game crash at the second mission.
The problem that the function test on my computer is OK but I'm realizing that with so many Mods applied at this game just only a minimum modification or lack in also only one application in the riceiving computer can cause the crash of the entire game. This is a limit that I can not overcome, I'm sorry.

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