[Tool] Lumberjack - clears roads & rails from auto trees

This little tool clears roads & rails from the autogenerated trees that are coming with the textures of many new maps. Slized trees (they dont disturb cars) and trees as objects (the mapmaker must have a look at these) are not touched.


Throw boths files (lumberjack.exe and lumberjack.data) in a texture folder ( ...\mods\mapmods\maps\_tex and subfolders of _tex) where you find files ending with ...tree.tga. Run the prog. The original files are saved as ...tree.tga.org automatically.

Download the tool here:


I know this was made for FSX and FS2004, but are you sure this works for IL2?

Be shure it works, i just wrote it for Sturmovik.

zipzapp Wrote:Be shure it works, i just wrote it for Sturmovik.
lol! Downloading now. THX!

LOL too. Why hasn't this been made before? Took a long time coming but zipzapp came through for us.

Link to my MEDIAFIRE downloads page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb9c2dafe61348e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871">http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=11eb ... f6e8ebb871</a><!-- m -->

WHere were you when I was crunching out the KTO MAP!! *dies*

:wink: J/K This is Fantastic, thanks for this little Gem!

A lovely tool ZipZap and it took away alot of trees.even if it left some here and there.
Would it also be possible to make it chop thrue the forests also that are blocking the rail and roads that run thrue the forrests as they do alot on the new channelmap.. as is you cant have convois driving or trains running as they collied as soon as they come to a forrest.
Is it possible to fix this too???
please please pretty please!!!!!Smile

Left over trees? Can't belive that. Not the auto trees, that must be trees as fmb objects. Or the related treefile is not processed. Which map, evidences ;-)? To remove object trees from the roads would be quite difficult.

The slized trees (woods) don't affect cars, afaik. Nevertheless i already made a tool the lumbers them from roads and rails, but this needs still some improvements.

it was on the il of whight. i was following the roads and was pretty upset that such a lovely map apeired to have alot of foults in it like trees all over the roads,
So i found your mod, aplied it and opened the game again and followed the same road again, a big grin on my face for now the road was cleared, well at lest until i came to a bridge where one little tree was left just meters away from the start of the bridge. else all trees where gone.
And a nother notice.

I tried to find the evidence and i couldt find it!!! scratching my head and looking closer, hmm isnt there just a little to little trees here??
Then i remembered i had changed my config ini to hardwareshaders 0 and also trees to 0,
So i went back to my config ini and put it back to hardwareshaders 1 and trees 3 and presto all trees are back, the road is clear again exept for that one right infront of the bridge in sector AI 21 kp 1 bridge nr 16.
But i also have to say that Canon has missed the road thingie just before the bridge and after the bridge so maybe thats the reason the tree is still standing??
i took a screenshot but dont know how to get it on here.. but i can mail it to you!Smile

Aha, that makes it clear (Wiping away the sweat ;-)). Not the tree is wrong but the bridge. It's not at the alongation of the road, so it seems to be blocked a little bit by the tree. But if you set a convoy just at the elongarion of the road , it will cross the river without any problems (They are amphibious and also able to penetrate the bridge, not shure about the last) and the tree will not disturb it. That there is no road directly at the bridge doesn't matter, my programm also calculates missing roads ;-)

VF101Hawk - convoys definitely do not collide with auto-trees and the forests.

The only treee that pose a problem to their movement is 'treeline' objects that were manually places in towns and around airfields.

ok Canon ty for the answer!Smile good to know!Smile ZipZap too!Smile

Just wondering if there is any way of writing a utility that would remove objects from roads and rail lines? That would be a real time saver when populating maps manually.

agracier Wrote:Just wondering if there is any way of writing a utility that would remove objects from roads and rail lines? That would be a real time saver when populating maps manually.
I'm sure that it would be a great help for Highwaymen, like you! :wink:

hi zipzapp! Big Grin
I'm getting a 'file is unavailable' message at the link provided. Any chance of an updated link? 8)

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