AirWarIndochina static campaign CTD with HSFX 4.1


May I ask what country do you have selected?
How do you have your mods sets?
Post here and I well see it it runs for me.

Hello almenas, I'm assuming this is one of two campaigns I made for the Thai and Vichy French Air Forces.

[Image: Campaignbackgroundscreen-1.jpg]

[Image: Vichybackground.jpg]

The campaigns were made at a time before HSFX 4.1 was available and as I don't have that
modded version installed I'm not sure what the problem is. :???:

There were a number of issues when it was originally made though, the only one that springs
to mind regarding an error message was to do with the more nations mod. Essentially you
had to have the latest version because Sanka had added the squadrons for the Vichy Air Force
in the region. If this version wasn't in your game it threw up an error message indicating a
squadron or such like could not be found, this being E.C.2595. Other concerns were with the
map and its objects, and also whether you had the Fairey battle and Tiger moth mods in your
game, neither of which actually crashed the campaign at loading if I remember correctly.

Hope this helps and you get to play the campaign, wishing you all the best, Pete. Big Grin

Problem solved. Had nothing to do with the campaign. It was a conflict with HSFX and ZloyPetrushkO_DropBombmod_v2 in Mods folder. It works now. Thanks.

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