HSFX4.1-cockpit pics. Which file name goes with which plane?

I did an sas extraction to uncompress files so I could do some simple cockpit editing to add photos to my aircraft, but I'm having a problem determining the folder name I should use.

For example, the expanded sas files end up with only one Spitfire model in the 3do/cockpit folder. It's the SpitfireMkVb.
I fly a mission with a Spitfire Mk. VIII. I can't seem to find the correct name for my modded cockpit folder. I tried
SpitfireMkVIII and SpitfireMk8, neither worked. I did get Spitfire Mk IX to work by creating a SpitfireMkIXc folder.

There must be someway of knowing which name will work for which aircraft. Some place where one can lookup the
relationship between names and aircraft.


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