Anyone wanna start an il2 faction with me
if you do let me know
i might call it The Fighting Falcons
if you have any other ideas let me know
I would stick with the WWII related names like the 314th or 4th fighter squadron...etc etc etc Good Luck though
ok, would u like to join and help me with it
cuz im still trying to figure out how to play online with this damn game
i shall call my squad the 501st fighting falcons
does that sound good to you
i got that part its patching it and all that shit that confuses me and finding the servers to fly in
if you could help me that would be great
I wish I could Bobby, but unforunately I am busy with my squardon and things in real life right now...Good luck though
Once you have your game installed and running with the most current version of UP 2.0 or HSFX...Then you need to download and install Hyperlobby. Open that application up and once you see the joining screen make sure you find a good sever like the Spits vs 109's modded server or some other server of your choice. Make sure that you read the servers message in the top right of the joining screen to see which version they are running and what mods they have installed. You need to match these or you'll most likely get kicked from the server. It not hard to enoy IL2 online just takes some time in getting use to how things are done here... Good Luck
You cant call it the 501st or anything because thats like copyright by Star Wars.
You would have to make your squadron in game somehow and get a symbol representing your squad like a bird, bullet etc.