Does that mod exist?

I saw a utube video and this guy got out of his plane and walked around!

nope, doesn't exist.

Wow 5 threads. Couldn't you make just one and ask everything there?

Makes a guy wonder :?:

What's with the finger pointing??? As far as I'm concerned he's a new member and like all new members they do ask and do some things we consider silly because we bin at it for a wile and know what where doing (well most do lol). If he / she dose any of the stuff Owl did then I'm shore the same fate will await them as Owl

Any way back to the question; NO, these is no mod you can download that lets you do this. The video you have seen was made by a guy called Kegetys's who is a very talented modder / coder in the OFP / ArmA community. I can't remember why he decided to have ago editing IL2, but he did and showed that it was easy to open the SFS files and edit the game code. He said at the time that he was surprised that this had not bin done all ready. Oleg hered about this and asked Kegetys's not to release info on how to do this and as far as I know he kept his word, in the mean time Oleg realised a patch that encrypted the SFS files which just postponed the inevitable because about a year later some one else did it (I think QTim)

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