I have some artwork I'd like to use instead of the HSFX backdrop, and also when loading a mission. How do I change the artwork used, and what size does it need to be?
Cheers, MP.
pic properties :
1024x1024 24bit tga (make normal 4:3 pic and resize without aspect ratio enabled )
HSFX wise :
for loading splash screen :
...\ game root\Files\gui\background.tga
* should be also background0_ru.mat present
HSFX + AAA UI wise ( old mods system):
...\ game root\Mods\"whatever you like"\gui\background.tga
* should be also background0_ru.mat present ( just copy one from Files\gui\.. )
for all installations :
for main menu background :
...\game root\Missions\background.tga
* should be also background.mat present
for different nationality :
...\game root\Missions\Campaign\ "desired nationality"\background.tga
* should be also background.mat present
for different nationality- single missions :
...\game root\Missions\Single\ "desired nationality"\background.tga
* should be also background.mat present
This is very interesting information.
Thank you Fly-Zo.
BTW, would this method also work with the previous AAA mod-pack or Ultrapack 2.0 mod-pack?
GREAT news.
I still have the old Mod pack installed, and I want to created and install some hot-babes
with airplanes "art" for my sgame plashscreens. I know there are some already available, but my
idea/images will be different
Thank you :cheers:
Wow man, I completely missed that post of yours. Fabulous good stuff you got there.
Specially on the part of how to add a groovy pin-up girl on the cockpit :loveeyes:
Many many Thanks in return :cheers:
... or as they say in Arabia, "May your camels be healthy and live longer than all
the palm trees in the Sahara desert!" :thumbsup: