I was in a server, everything was working fine.
I went to an external view and then Freetrack became stuck on the forward view, no head movement.
It shows as working outside the game but in game nothing.
The mouse look still works as it should but I've tried just about everything I can think of ..... no joy.
Enabled various mods, disabled all mods, stock 4.09 ..... still nothing.
Anyone had this problem?
Hey m8
Is that FT locking problem permanent or do you only have it sporadically?
I get that every once in a while. My solution is to ALT-TAB out of the game and restart Freetrack then ALT-TAB back into IL2. Contrary to Natural Point's TrackIR, Freetrack will work again if started during a running game session.
Sorry that I don't have a bonified fix for you. This workaround should help you though.
Thanks anyway but I've tried the restart first a few times and it's still locked.
Reboot, cold boot, re-install UP2.0, UP2.0 restore, UP2.0m, since it happened the first time it's permanent.
Rgr. Have you checked that the following setting is still set in your config.ini?
Could have been changed to 0 by another program (ie. IL2Stab) or accidentally through tweaking. Give it a look m8.
I didn't look but it appears correct.
The last thing I installed before the screw up was the Warbirds of Prey switcher. I sort of suspect this has done something.
I always think if you have a problem, many others have the same issue. I hope I'm not unique, makes it lot harder to sort out.
Well, your config.ini is okay.
The Warbirds of Prey Switcher already has 6DOF integrated within it. The only thing that the installer does, is create the "00_WarBirdsOfPrey - Switcher" subfolder within your current jsgmemods folder. Nothing that could be causing your TIR loss.
Don't run it in conjunction with any one of the TIR mods in jsgme.
Does you TIR functionality die when you're not using the WOP switcher?
Have you tried a single player quick mission just using one of the TIR mods, by itself, in jsgme? "00_6DOF_Tracker_2_0_sHr" is the one I've found to be most stable.
I'm such a fool
I didn't check Freetrack.
Somehow, in the middle of a game, the 2 checkboxes that say "use TrackIR interface" and "Use Freetrack Interface" got UNCHECKED.
Can't explain it but that appears to be what happened.
Many thanks for the help Gromic ........... ~S~ to you.